Rachel Santo
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Sostegno personale - Servizi del Kabbalah Centre

Sessioni personalizzate one-to-one con un insegnante per approfondire un’area che ti interessa o avere aiuto dove hai più bisogno. Gli incontri spaziano dalle relazioni al tikkun, allo studio profondo dello Zohar, tutti personalizzati appositamente per te.

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Rachel Santo

Rachel Santo attended an introductory lecture at the Kabbalah Centre after a flyer made its way into her hand on the street.  Immediately, she felt a deep connection and knew that it was her truth.  Ten years later, she is as passionate as ever for sharing kabbalistic wisdom. 

 Kabbalah encouraged Rachel to look at the world in a different way and open her heart.  As a student she found that she was motivated to share and do more for others.  She quickly became active at The Kabbalah Centre working as a volunteer and in the bookstore. In 2009, she took her spiritual practice to the next level by becoming a Kabbalah teacher. 

 Specializing in The Zohar, astrology, and meditation, Rachel aims to make Kabbalah accessible to every student by connecting to them at their level.  For her, the most rewarding aspect of working with students is witnessing the growth they undergo from the moment they walk into The Kabbalah Centre.  Her hope for the future is that people will become more patient and tolerant of one another.  In her leisure time, Rachel enjoys reading, gardening, and spending time with her husband and two children. 

Articoli di Rachel

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