The 12 Days of Aries: Healing the Inner Child Day 9 - Sagittarius

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The 12 Days of Aries: Healing the Inner Child Day 9 - Sagittarius

Karen Berg
Aprile 16, 2016
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"The cry we hear from deep in our hearts comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions."
-Thich Nhat Hanh

The month of Aries is the start of the lunar new year. It is called in Hebrew “Rosh Chodashim,” the head of all months. As the seed of the year and the DNA of all the coming months, it affords us the opportunity to plant seeds with our consciousness to do deep inner work that will soften our journey and smooth our path to change.

The first 12 days of Aries are especially important as they each correspond to one of the 12 months of the coming year. The sixteenth century Kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria explains that the spiritual work we do on these 12 days influences what we will experience in the corresponding months to come.

To guide you through a process of internal transformation, I am going to overlay two modalities, Kabbalistic astrology and the inner child archetype, to assist us to do profound work of healing from within.

My hope is that with the knowledge of the cosmic opportunity ahead of us these next 12 days, a gift given to us by the great Kabbalists, together with an exploration of our inner self, we can begin embracing our child so that we can move to our spiritual growth and maturity.

Looking forward to taking this journey with you.

The 12 Days of Aries: Day 9, Sagittarius

Welcome to Day Nine of the 12 Days of Aries, which begins at sundown on Saturday April 16 and ends at sundown on Sunday, April 17.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. Mutable signs carry the energy of change and movement. Fire signs have the gifts of creativity, inspiration, and leadership. Generally speaking, Sagittarians are fun loving people who want and love their freedom. They have a strong sense of fairness and of how things should be. Tactless, impatient, and philosophical are also great adjectives to describe the Sagittarius, who tends to put off obligations until the last minute. The motto for the sign is "I perceive, therefore, I am."

The Sagittarian Inner Child Archetype sells itself short of lasting fulfillment for want of the feeling of freedom, however fleeting and illusory that freedom may be. It avoids responsibility and gets upset when things seem unfair. The Sagittarian Inner Child has a quick tongue and often speaks before thinking about how the other person will hear it.

All of us have this Sagittarius Inner Child Archetype within. Perhaps we find ourselves saying, “Eh, I don’t need to do that right now,” fully aware that whatever we are putting off needs to be dealt with. Or, maybe we are quick to jump to the conclusion of “It’s not fair!" before looking inside to see what it is that WE need to change in ourselves.

Whatever the case may be, if we can acknowledge this child’s need for true freedom, we can begin to find healing. We can reach for the real liberation that comes through taking personal responsibility, recognizing our ego, being proactive, expressing our soul's purpose in this world, and striving for spiritual growth.

Consciousness for the Day: Do things that you would normally put off until the last minute. Affirm that everything that happens in your experience is there to awaken you to change something WITHIN yourself.

Most importantly, be gentle with yourself and your inner child. You are work in progress and a child of God who loves you. Healing comes from positively acknowledging and taking responsibility for what we need to change, not from beating ourselves up.
