Join us in sending resources and prayers to Australia
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Join us in sending resources and prayers to Australia

Kabbalah Centre
Gennaio 9, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

Motivated by the devastating bushfires in Australia, Kabbalah students have set out to do their part in supporting their community. Last weekend was spent by donating their time and resources putting together care packages of Pinchas Zohars and meal replacement bars and drinks. They brought them to 2 staging areas and 5 fire stations along the central coast, spreading the energy of protection and much needed nutrients for everyone stay strong. The 200 people who received their gifts were moved and grateful for their care and generosity.

But the work doesn’t stop there. The Zohar Project has already sent over 300 more Zohars to our teams in Australia who are determined to help relieve this disaster.  Furthermore, there will be daily livestreams reading the portion of Korach that you can be part of. 

Here are 5 ways you can share: 
1. Pray. Meditate. Read the Zohar. And while doing so, consciously send Light to Australia. Your intention is the key.
2. Join our daily collective Zohar reading with our Australian students. This reading will take place every day (except during Shabbat) at 2:00am EST/6:00pm AEDT/11:00pm PST. The more of us who join, the more energy we can send. Join us here:
3. Join our daily Torah reading in which we will read from Korach, a portion the Kabbalists would often cite as protection and relief from natural disasters. This reading will take place every day (except during Shabbat in the United States, which is Sunday in Australia) at 3:30pm EST/ 7:30am AEDT/ 12:30pmPST. Again, our power grows in numbers. To be a part of this special reading, join us at:
4. Assist the Zohar Project in disseminating the protection of the Zohar throughout the regions affected by the fires. You can help by emailing to volunteer to distribute Zohars in Australia, or donate to the Zohar Project here:

5. Support Local Australia organizations such as Australia Red Cross (donate here) and the Australia Salvation Army (donate here)

Australia, our hearts and prayers are with you. 

Support the Zohar Project
