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Onehouse Community Premium

  • I benefici includono:
  • Partecipa ai webinar interattivi ogni settimana
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  • *Nelle sedi aderenti. Possono esserci limitazioni.

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Lettura della Carta Astrologica Kabbalistica

Imparare a conoscere la nostra anima attraverso una carta astrologica aiuta a dare più significato e maggiore comprensione alle esperienze che affrontiamo, alle persone che conosciamo, al lavoro che facciamo e ai bivi sulla strada.

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Sostegno personale - Servizi del Kabbalah Centre

Sessioni personalizzate one-to-one con un insegnante per approfondire un’area che ti interessa o avere aiuto dove hai più bisogno. Gli incontri spaziano dalle relazioni al tikkun, allo studio profondo dello Zohar, tutti personalizzati appositamente per te.

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Join the Video Volunteer Team Today

Kabbalah Centre
Febbraio 17, 2020
Mi piace 15 Commenti Condividi

The lives of thousands of people are transformed by the wisdom of Kabbalah each year. Sharing kabbalistic teachings with students around the world no matter what country they are from, or which language they speak is part of The Kabbalah Centre’s mission. The dedication of committed volunteers makes it possible for lessons, classes, and events to be shared in many languages, reaching more people in search of spiritual fulfillment than ever before.

Join the Video Volunteer Team, a group of international students of Kabbalah just like you who have been transformed by this wisdom, to become a part of this powerful movement to make the wisdom of Kabbalah accessible to all.

With our new, easy-to-use and easy-to-learn subtitling system, volunteers can participate by reviewing A.I. generated subtitles in English and also in other languages. Our English team reviews English text comparing it to English video, and our translation teams review the English text and the translation.

We’re looking for volunteers to review videos in the following languages:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Italian
  • French
  • German
  • Russian
  • Hebrew

To join the Video Volunteer Team, applicants must have:

  • Completed Kabbalah 1 & Kabbalah 2 course
  • An assigned Kabbalah Teacher with regular meetings
  • A good knowledge of the English language (for English reviewers and Translation reviewers) as well as the language of translation (for Translation reviewers).
  • Access to a computer and internet connection



