Daily Astrology Forecast for November 11-17, 2018

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Daily Astrology Forecast for November 11-17, 2018

Miriam Ashkenazi
Novembre 11, 2018
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

November 11

Today’s energy presents a challenge and an opportunity at the same time.

If you see yourself as a person who is usually acting based on your emotions (and at times even being too emotional!), today will be a day where you can activate more of your rational self.

But if you are the kind of a person who mostly acts from your mind, always listening to your logic – today might be a challenge, since the Moon in Capricorn reinforces emotional detachments. If there is any decision in your life that requires listening to your heart and inner voice (in interpersonal relationships mainly) – wait for few days before making a final decision and communicating it. 

November 12

It’s time to get things done.

Today, half of the planets are in cardinal signs – an energy that can motivate us to do, initiate, take action, and be proactive in any change that we would like to make in our lives.

This will be a good day to finalize any unfinished business or projects. If there is anything in your life that you didn’t have the courage or right setting to initiate, (asking someone out, signing up for a class, starting a new project) today can be a great day to initiate and start new, or to finalize and move on. 

November 13

Today we all need a little space.

We all need a break sometimes. Today’s energy, with the movement of the moon to the sign of Aquarius, might have us all feeling like we need some time on our own. Serious, long-term relationships might seem a bit of a burden today. Spending time with friends, engaging in lighter activities and conversations probably would be one of the best routes to utilize today.

What we all need to pay attention to is to the way that we react. Avoid “hysterical” reactions. Any kind of exaggerated and uncontrollable emotional reaction (overexcited, or overly disappointed) can create an unwanted disconnect with our loved ones.  

November 14

Imagination and logic. How can they work together harmoniously?

Today’s energy presents a challenge in incorporating our creative, imaginative ideas together with what makes sense.

There are some days our mind is sharp and clear. We can make plans. We see clearly what’s right and wrong, and we can see things through from beginning to end. On other days, we get random great ideas. We can see unique and creative ways to handle a situation, where logic doesn’t take place, but clear imaginative ideas come to mind and we feel the excitement and determination to act upon them.

Today is a strange mix of both. There is a clash between our logic and our imagination. It can be challenging in gaining the necessary clarity and we can have a hard time in making up our minds. If you try to come up with a new creative idea at work, or you need to make a serious plan of action for a project, it might be better to wait for today’s challenging energy to pass. 

November 15

Choose your battles!

Today, Mars enters into the sign of Pisces – and will stay there until the end of the year. The good news is that Mars, the planet of wars, is entering into one of the most spiritual and companionate signs.

There is a great opportunity now to make our “fight” for a great cause. Now is the time to initiate any involvement in a high spiritual purpose, and join any efforts to support those in need. Go out and look for anything that is close to your heart and take an ACTIVE part in making the world a better place. It can be any shelter, organization or community that you feel brings more Light into the world. By being a part of it, you right away link yourself with this great chain of spreading Light and positivity around the world. 

November 16

Oh, I didn’t mean it…

The symbol of the sign of Sagittarius is the centaur with the bow and arrow. Since all of us are influenced by Sagittarius this month, we all at times can fall into shooting this arrow without thinking, without caring where this arrow lands.

Today, Mercury (the planet of communication), which is right now also in the sign of Sagittarius, is turning retrograde. This unique retrograde is here to help us to reflect and reassess our communication with others. Specifically see where we are speaking with no tact and when we are being too direct, it is a good time to recognize this type of communication and make the necessary amends. 

November 17 - Shabbat Vayetze

Spread love everywhere you go.  

Forces of love and harmony are in the cosmos. Venus turning direct, the Moon is in Pisces and we have 5 planets in mutable (more flexible) signs. If we combine those influences together in a positive way, we can be awakened to feel, share and spread love all around us.

These upcoming days can be a good window of time for getting engaged, married, or creating any kind of union that we are hoping to create in our lives with others.

With all these beautiful emotional positive opportunities, we have to also pay attention that we don’t get overly sensitive and keep ourselves attuned to the feelings of others.

Today is a good day to be more flexible and open to the universe’s messages. Open yourself up, go out of your way and welcome any unexpected changes. 
