Astrology Forecast for September 11-17, 2016

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Astrology Forecast for September 11-17, 2016

Yael Yardeni
Settembre 11, 2016
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

Hi everyone! This week brings us more spiritual work. And that’s the least we can say! Surprisingly, more fiery than before, the cosmos is really trying to kick us forward! That’s because Aries is stronger this week.

Many things need to be slalomed properly this time around, as certain aspects are really cranky ones. So, back to the bulletproof vest!

Not only is Mercury in retrograde motion, but it is also making a 150 degree angle with Uranus, our cosmic troublemaker. Ouch! Everything that comes out of our mouths can be distorted! Mercury entered retrograde motion on August 30th and it lasts until September 22nd.

So guys, let’s be extra cautious of:

  • Signing contracts. We can negotiate though, and send a follow up email. Care should also be taken not to engage in any lawsuits until September 23rd.
  • Confrontations of all sorts, unnecessary comments, being a smart aleck, etc.
  • Transportation. Trips of all sorts could be delayed or canceled. This is the time when suitcases get lost. Patience is totally on the agenda!

We should rather downgrade our attitudes and behaviors, or they WILL ROAR!

Also, Neptune is opposed to the sun. This creates a bit of a universal retrograde motion! Things get illusionary, unclear, and often foggy.

In addition, the moon is in slow Capricorn, conjunct, of course, with Pluto, and the MC of the chart. Talk about heaviness!

So what CAN we positively do?

There is enough fire in this chart to generate big changes! Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart. So, let’s get ready for very unusual events and self-discoveries. Uranus is considered the researcher of the galaxy.

With the stubbornness of the Capricorn energy, we have no choice but to make these changes. We are talking about personal internal changes, as well as thoughtful and calculated external ones.

It’s like the whole universal machine is in motion to help us move to our next level. At first it feels really scary, but it will turn out to be a real blessing.

And more good news:

A cosmic event is occurring right now: Jupiter already entered the sign of Libra and it will be there for 13 months. Currently placed close to the sun, it creates a desire for expansion, which will be stronger around Rosh Hashanah, as both the sun and Jupiter will be conjunct.

Jupiter in Libra will shift the global energy this year: Libra is an air sign and an initiating (cardinal) force for ideas that have the power to make a big impact. Things will be reframed, and will be perceived through the lens of Libra, the real peace and harmony. The line of what's fair and true will be clearer. It seems that faith grows stronger. Libra is the sign of peace, compromises, and bridges. These are the key words we will have to keep in mind this whole coming year.

So, our real focus right now is internal balance (surprisingly, we have three planets in Libra, as well!) and of course, transformation and upgrade. In short, a great preparation for the new cosmic year!

We should meditate on Aleph Vav Mem to open bridges towards others and help Jupiter do its job!

72 Name #30

An intense, but blessed week overall!


