Astrology Forecast for August 16 - 22, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for August 16 - 22, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Agosto 17, 2015
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Hi Everyone! This week we enter the new lunar month of Virgo, or Elul. Rosh Hashanah is right around the corner! Let's find out more about this month's constellations!

Our dear Virgo friends belong to the earth family, and Virgo represents the air (or central column) element. So, of all the earth signs, Virgo will be the lightest, like the sand!

Virgo is also considered a mutable sign; they adapt quite well and are much better communicators than the rest of the earth signs due to the internal air component. Our Virgo friends seem very even in their moods and personalities (“the calm Virgo”), unless they suddenly transform themselves into the "mad Virgo." And these ones are really controversial, quite colorful, and frankly sometimes a bit crazy!

The outward appearance of the sign is cool and poised, but we need to know that inside their heads it’s quite messy; they have a billion thoughts a minute! This is because Mercury, the fastest of all planets, is their ruler. Mercury also rules Gemini who happens to feel the same way.

For the record, some Virgos are sleepwalkers because they cannot stop the flow of thoughts even while sleeping. How can that be? The Virgo mind is like a computer scanner – it records absolutely everything!

Virgos are renowned for being quite critical and even judgmental by nature, because they look for the absolute purity ("the virgin") and perfection in everything. Unfortunately, it just doesn't exist, so they walk around eternally frustrated!

It’s a bit challenging to live with a Virgo – they constantly notice what doesn't work, what should be, and the defects in everything. In short, they always seem grumpy.

Virgo characteristics also include hasty judgment and loads of cynicism. They really are worriers and tend to bottle things up. Mercury is really not too fond of expressing feelings!

If we really, really want to know the truth about anything, just go visit a Virgo! Disclaimer: we might be hurt by what we hear.

The organ corresponding to the sign is the digestive system. As it happens, a tremendous amount of Virgos suffer from food allergies, ulcers, or sometimes colitis, just because of the internal worry and torture they endure in looking for perfection. A great number of Virgos are OCD, or have some kind of obsessive disorder. For the record, the Virgo population also includes a great number of hypochondriacs. They are very supplement-oriented and extremely picky eaters.

A big percentage of surgeons are Virgos. Thank God, because they know how to cut!

Enough with the roast. Some amazing news about the sign…

The greatest thing about Virgos is their sense of care: Mother Theresa was a Virgo. They are super-responsible and make great assistants; their offices are full of to-do lists and they arrive first and leave last. They are extremely reliable and professional with everything they touch, tending to be workaholics. Virgos are not too good at risk-taking and prefer the security of a steady job (for example, accountant). Some of them are also found in PR because they are really talented and sharp.

There is a famously funny Virgo test if you want to know who's a Virgo in the room:

We start teaching in front of a picture that is purposely crooked. After two minutes, the Virgos become agitated. Instead of concentrating on the class, they stare at the crooked picture until finally one of them gets up to straighten it! (Much to the relief of all the others!)

I personally tried that test with success.

Month of Virgo tikun and homework:

  • Learn to see the bigger picture.
  • Flow with life.
  • Just be happy, not grumpy.
  • Let go of details; it’s too much!
  • Don’t judge people so quickly.
  • Give a second chance to people who have disappointed you.
  • Love is unconditional and not dependent on how responsible people are.
  • A very important tip for the whole month: keep our tongues in check!

The idea is to reprogram ourselves to be compassionate and see only the good points and sides of people. This month is an opportunity to look into our hearts for more tolerance and human dignity.

Have a terrific month!

Chodesh Tov (Good Month), Everyone!


