A Chance to Choose a New Direction

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A Chance to Choose a New Direction

Karen Berg
Dicembre 5, 2013
Mi piace 2 Commenti 1 Condividi

Welcome to the month of Capricorn.

To start, let’s talk a little bit about the characteristics of people born under this sign. Generally speaking, it is easy for Capricorns to be workaholics. Their life is work. In fact, Capricorn is known to be the most materialistic of all the signs of the zodiac. Still, if Capricorns become spiritual, they can dissolve their materialism and transform it into spirituality and even psychic ability. This explains why Nostradamus and many other well-respected seers and psychics throughout the ages were born under this sign.

The theme for this month is a tremendous polarity: the potential for, simultaneously, both great positivity and great negativity. In Hebrew, this month is described as kaved, which means “heavy.” On the other hand, the name of the month, Tevet, comes from the Hebrew word tov, meaning “good.” This means that in this month, we have the ability to fight and to overcome the negative, “heavy” parts of our being and turn them into that which is tov.

How do we do this?

The first step is to get out of the bubble of “me.” We need to start to do the things that we might have put off in the past, knowing full well they will change our lives for the positive. This is the month to think about others, to bring people closer to the Light, and to give of ourselves. We need to ask ourselves: When I get to be 80, what will I have to show for my life other than material things? What will I have done that is truly important? Will my existence here on earth have helped another human being change who they are for the better? Will I know what it means to have a good friend?

If we don’t know the answers to these questions, this month is the time to switch gears and choose the new direction of tov.

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