Yosef Yeshurun
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Eventos y clases

Hazte Miembro

Encuentra más sabiduría y ejercicios para elevarte, elevar tu vida y la de aquellos que te rodean. Desde artículos y videos semanales a clases trasmitidas en vivo, clases presenciales y eventos. Hay un plan de membresía para cada persona.

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Membresía sugerida:

Comunidad Onehouse Premium

  • Sus beneficios incluyen:
  • Únete a webinarios interactivos cada semana
  • Ve cursos completos bajo demanda
  • Disfruta descuentos en eventos, sesiones de orientación y productos*
  • Y mucho más...
  • Inscríbete hoy
  • *En las sedes participantes. Hay restricciones.

Profundiza aún más en la sabiduría de la Kabbalah con una guía personalizada y lectura de carta astral.

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Nuestro equipo dedicado está aquí para ayudarte a transitar tu viaje espiritual.

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Lectura astrológica kabbalística

Aprender acerca de nuestra alma a través de una carta astral ayuda a dar más significado y un mayor entendimiento a las experiencias que enfrentamos, las personas que conocemos, el trabajo que hacemos y las bifurcaciones en el camino.

Solicita la lectura de tu carta

Guía personal - Servicios del Centro de Kabbalah

Sesiones personalizadas individuales con un instructor para profundizar en el área que te interesa o apoyarte donde más lo necesitas. Las reuniones abarcan temas desde las relaciones hasta el tikún o un estudio profundo del Zóhar, todas personalizadas especialmente para ti.

Reserva una sesión de guía

Yosef Yeshurun

Although he was born to Kabbalah Centre teachers, Yosef’s choice to study Kabbalah was strictly his own. He recognized that helping people realize their purpose in life was the best way to help others, and so he decided to become a teacher, accomplishing his goal in 2011.

Yosef is passionate about the wisdom of Kabbalah and finds fulfillment from studying the deepest texts. However, it is his involvement with Kabbalah Centre activities that inspired his decision to become a teacher. Yosef draws from his experiences at Centres across the world. He was born in Los Angeles, spent many formative years in Israel, and has lived all over the USA, studying and engaging with Kabbalah Centre communities at each stop. Yosef launched the Kabbalah Centre Teen Programs in both Miami and New York. He credits his work of teaching young people as the catalyst that drove him to become passionate not only about learning Kabbalah, but also about teaching others the wisdom. He strives to emulate Michael Berg’s profound-yet-practical instructive style, and, having a background in ancient texts, particularly enjoys teaching about the Zohar and Rav Ashlag’s writings.

Yosef endeavors to help others discover a viable path to fulfillment by studying the Zohar and thereby connecting to their souls' purpose, envisioning a future in which people respect each other’s differences yet still unite as one. He currently lives in New York, where he teaches classes and meets one-on-one with students.

Los próximos eventos y clases de Yosef

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Las lecciones en video de Yosef

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Las colecciones de videos de Yosef

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