Expanding Our Capacity to Love

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  • Únete a webinarios interactivos cada semana
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Profundiza aún más en la sabiduría de la Kabbalah con una guía personalizada y lectura de carta astral.
Consulta gratuita con un maestro

Nuestros instructores comprometidos están aquí para ayudarte a transitar tu viaje espiritual.

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Lectura astrológica kabbalística

Aprender acerca de nuestra alma a través de una carta astral ayuda a dar más significado y un mayor entendimiento a las experiencias que enfrentamos, las personas que conocemos, el trabajo que hacemos y las bifurcaciones en el camino.

Solicita la lectura de tu carta
Guía personal - Servicios del Centro de Kabbalah

Sesiones personalizadas individuales con un instructor para profundizar en el área que te interesa o apoyarte donde más lo necesitas. Las reuniones abarcan temas desde las relaciones hasta el tikún o un estudio profundo del Zóhar, todas personalizadas especialmente para ti.

Reserva una sesión de guía

Dialing God

Expanding Our Capacity to Love

Fecha de publicación: Agosto 25, 2021
Fecha de grabación: Febrero 10, 2021

Me gusta 65 Comentarios 18 Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Starting our day with appreciation for the Creator
  • Praying with a desire to connect with the unique Light each day, instead of doing it robotically
  • Having the desire to expand our capacity to love through prayers and mostly through actions
  • The prerequisite for any spiritual action is to seek our capacity to love
  • Actions are meant to follow prayers to be able to create a circuitry of energy that unblocks our connection and communication to the Light
  • Prayer and meditation are daily elevation techniques for our consciousness
  • Prayer without action and change don't generate results
  • The purpose for everything we do, including prayer, is to expand our capacity to love

Descripción de la clase

This course explains in a clear and simple way how to get the most of our prayers. In this first lesson, we learn every aspect of each individual prayer from the book Dialing God, pages 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 28, 39 (available in paper and digital formats).

Acerca de este curso

Prayer, as defined by kabbalistic sages, is a process through which our energy and intentions ascend to the spiritual realm. As such, it is a powerful tool for building a higher level of consciousness. Our potential is reached by continuously growing in our spirituality, for as we put in the spiritual work, we attract an array of fresh opportunities. Join us to delve deeply into kabbalistic prayers and tools such as the Ana Beko'ach, the morning blessings, the Shema, and more. Elevate your consciousness and take another step toward being the person you are meant to be.

Instructores del curso

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