Tipping the Scales
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Yom Kipur 2017

Tipping the Scales

Fecha de publicación: Octubre 4, 2017
Fecha de grabación: Septiembre 28, 2017

Me gusta 4 Comentarios 1 Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • 10 days of soul cleansing
  • 5 prayers correlating to the Tetragrammaton
  • Kol Nidrei and nullifying our inactive vows such as promises we made before coming into the world
  • Binah, the Mother energy source
  • Five restrictions: receiving energy from that which we do not do
  • Transforming our negative traits into positive energy

Descripción de la clase

As Karen welcomes us on the night of Yom Kippur, she reveals how we can tip the scales of an ailing world to a place of love.

Acerca de este curso

“On Yom Kippur, the pull of the Light of the Creator is so strong that our soul simply wants to elevate. Allow it to elevate. Ask for it to be elevated.” – Michael BergIn life, we all have instances in which we’d like a ‘do-over’. A chance to right the wrongs we’ve caused, to eliminate all of the times we’ve hurt another person. The kabbalists teach that our negative actions don’t just affect others in the physical world; they seep into the supernal realm and cast a darkness upon our soul. Thankfully, we have a powerful ally in our fight to make things right with others and shed that shadow on our spirit – the formidable energy of Yom Kippur.On Yom Kippur, we are offered the opportunity to correct our misdeeds and elevate ourselves beyond the illusory world. Any negative energy that we have created through our actions – in this year, in this lifetime, in previous lifetimes – can be cleansed as we connect to the beneficent Light of Binah. The energy of Binah is so powerful that it not only sloughs away our past negativity in the spiritual world, it also envelops us in joy and blessings for the coming year. Yom Kippur is a day of redemption, a cosmic opening that allows us to atone for past selfish actions at the seed level. It is a day completely removed from this physical world, not confined by who we are today, but who we will be at the End of the Correction.

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