Regaining Lost Parts of Our Soul
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Shabbat Consciousness

Regaining Lost Parts of Our Soul

Fecha de publicación: Enero 7, 2014
Fecha de grabación: Marzo 15, 2013

Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Mayim Nukvim (Female Waters): the process of drawing light and blessings into our lives
  • Why spiritual deeds, good words, actions, and prayer do not by themselves bring Light
  • Understanding how the Light works
  • Mesirut Nefesh: giving up of ourselves
  • The purpose of animal sacrifices
  • Losing parts of our soul and how to gain them back
  • Maintaining desire, strength, and inspiration and the overcoming of our ego
  • Levels of soul and what differentiates man from animal
  • Secret of Shabbat and the additional soul
  • The Zohar and drawing back aspects of our soul

Descripción de la clase

Michael Berg reveals the secrets of Mayim Nukvim (female waters) and how the amount of Light revealed to us through spiritual actions will be very limited without this conscious awareness. Michael also expounds upon the levels of our soul, what differentiates us from the level of animals, how we lose parts of our soul and the two most powerful tools we can use to gain back the parts of our soul that we have lost.

Acerca de este curso

The two spiritual forces that dictate our lives are Light – or sharing – and Ego – or desire to receive only for ourselves. The more our ego is present, the less Light we can access. The portion of Vayikra helps us to diminish our ego, so we can strengthen our connection with the Light. Look for opportunities to be humble this week and connect to the Light instead of others’ recognition you otherwise would have received.

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