Tu b'Shevat: Sustaining our Environment
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Janucá, Tu b'Shevat y Purim

Tu b'Shevat: Sustaining our Environment

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 24, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Enero 18, 2011

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • The world is controlled by consciousness
  • The Opponent’s goal: taking our consciousness away from the Light 
  • Not knowing brings pain 
  • The holiday of Tu B'Shevat provides us with wisdom 
  • Wisdom creates happiness 
  • Our Opponent’s goal reveals the importance of consciousness
  • A vessel has no Light of its own just as the moon has no light without the sun 
  • The significance of the 15th day of Aquarius 
  • Uniting the Light and the Vessel creates fulfillment 
  • Our awareness of clarity makes it available to us
  • Infusing the plant kingdom with Light
  • All plants have built in restriction 
  • Choosing to get out of our comfort zone and expressing restriction
  • Sending energy to the “female waters” (Mayin Nukvin) through restriction
  • Uniting the female waters with Zeir Anpin bringing blessings and elevating our consciousness
  • Three kinds of blessings that result: divine inspiration, assistance from righteous souls (ibur), and righteous children 
  • Each blade of grass has its own angel that governs it 
  • Sustaining and feeding angels with the energy we create through our consciousness 
  • The angels then "feed" the trees and our environment 
  • An environmental illness reflects our consciousness 
  • Restoring of plant life through the use of Kabbalah Water 
  • Infusing water infused with consciousness and energy and the molecular effect
  • The act of giving brings happiness

Descripción de la clase

The holiday of Tu b'Shevat (the 15th day of Aquarius) is a channel that teaches us how profoundly our consciousness impacts on our environment. In this class, David offers us a support system to support our happiness by recharging the trees and plants with positive energy that in turn will support and ignite our capacity to create a better world - personally, collectively and environmentally.

Acerca de este curso

A lo largo del año tenemos oportunidades para conectarnos con energías espirituales únicas y poderosas. Aumentar nuestro conocimiento sobre estas ventanas en el tiempo y comprender las oraciones y herramientas kabbalísticas que establecen nuestra conexión no solo mejora nuestra vida, sino que crea el cambio positivo y la plenitud duradera que deseamos mientras atrae estas energías divinas para apoyar al mundo entero.

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