Ben Hametzarim: The Three Negative Weeks

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Shovavim & Ben Hametzarim

Ben Hametzarim: The Three Negative Weeks

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 24, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Julio 7, 2009

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • The power of the Tabernacle
  • The planets, Leo and Cancer and astrology
  • Negativity of the 9th of Av
  • Ben Hametzarim: "Between the narrow straits"
  • Creating a vessel for the energy of the 3 negative weeks
  • Mourning: accepting the pain
  • Short circuits and the Holy Temple within
  • The Gate of Tears
  • Feeling pain after midnight
  • Celebrating Light and Vessel coming together on Shabbat
  • The Meditation for the 3 weeks: converting tzarah (chaos) to positivity (retzeh)
  • Gematria (numerology) and codes: atbash, avgad and seruf
  • Restrictions for the 3 weeks and the five restrictions for the 9th of Av

Descripción de la clase

The months of Cancer and Leo are known as negative periods of time. It was on the 9th day of Leo that both of the Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed and during the month of Cancer that the wall around Jerusalem was breached. During these two months, our spiritual ozone layer known as the Shechinah is not present, meaning more Light and more judgement are available.  To navigate the challenges of these three weeks David provides us with technology that can help us avoid the chaos and negativity that often accompanies this period.

Acerca de este curso

Throughout the year we have opportunities to connect with unique and powerful spiritual energies. Increasing our awareness of these windows in time and understanding the kabbalistic prayers and tools  that establish our connection not only improves our lives, but creates the positive change and lasting fulfillment we desire while drawing these divine energies to support the entire world.

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