Connecting to Binah on Yom Kippur
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Sabiduría de Rav Berg
Días de conexión

Connecting to Binah on Yom Kippur

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 12, 2013
Fecha de grabación:

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Eating during the year and fasting on Yom Kippur
  • Connecting with the external (chitzoniut) and internal aspects of Binah by fasting on Yom Kippur
  • Energy of life for the whole year and being restored to the level of Adam haRishon (the first man)
  • The five restrictions and limiting the body consciousness to connect with Binah. The five restrictions are:

1. No eating/drinking
2. No bathing/washing
3. No perfumes or oils
4. No sex
5. Not wearing leather shoes

  • Sleep permits the soul to recharge, which is why it is not one of the restrictions
  • Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shabbaton because we are leaving the level of Malchut and entering the level of Binah
  • On shabbat we connect to Binah through Zeir Anpin, on Yom Kippur we connect directly to Binah without any filters
  • Binah has a vessel, but no vessel. The closest example we can understand is feeling breath when we blow air out of our mouth
  • The five prayers (tefilot) are the vessels for the energy of Binah and correspond to the five restrictions
  • There is never a revelation without a vessel

Descripción de la clase

On the holiday of Yom Kippur we connect with the Light of Binah without any of the filters we encounter during the rest of the year. Join Rav Berg as he reveals the consciousness of what is taking place on Yom Kippur and how we can capture the Light that fuels us for the coming year

Acerca de este curso

Con conferencias nunca antes vistas o poco vistas de los archivos del Centro de Kabbalah, Sabiduría de Rav Berg es tu oportunidad de conectarte con muchas de las enseñanzas clave de Rav Berg sobre una amplia gama de temas, ¡incluidas las porciones semanales, las Lunas Nuevas, festividades y más!

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