Shabbat Zachor: Remembering Who We Are

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Shabbat Consciousness

Shabbat Zachor: Remembering Who We Are

Veröffentlicht: März 26, 2024
Originalaufnahmen: März 23, 2024

Gefällt mir 11 Kommentare Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • Understanding the importance of making a connection on Shabbat Zachor
  • Revealing a concealed Supernal world on Purim
  • The disconnect between knowing that the Light is all around and within us, and experiencing that as our reality
  • Amalek: the force, veil or static that keeps us from seeing the truth about ourselves and the world
  • "Clearing our garments with wine": Removing the static and experiencing our true selves
  • Two thoughts to permeate our consciousness:
    • Repeating 100 times, "I have no doubt that I am completely filled with the Light of the Creator"
    • Asking for the assistance from the Creator to remove the veils completely
  • Remembering ourselves as we did before our soul came into our body and as we knew ourselves in the womb


Kabbalists teach that the Light permeates everything and flows within each one of us at all times, but there are veils and static around this truth that can force us to see the illusion of a world filled with darkness. Join Michael as he shares how we can lift the veils and remember, experience and reveal the truth about ourselves while seeing a world filled with only goodness, Light and blessings.

Über diesen Kurs

The two spiritual forces that dictate our lives are Light – or sharing – and Ego – or desire to receive only for ourselves. The more our ego is present, the less Light we can access. The portion of Vayikra helps us to diminish our ego, so we can strengthen our connection with the Light. Look for opportunities to be humble this week and connect to the Light instead of others’ recognition you otherwise would have received.

Die Lehrer*innen

