Class 1: Define our reality

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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

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Kabbalah 1 (French)

Class 1: Define our reality

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 14, 2021
Originalaufnahmen: Dezember 14, 2021

Gefällt mir 1 Kommentare 1 Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • What is Kabbalah?
  • Overview of the Kabbalist lineage
    • 4,000 years ago: Abraham, the patriarch, and the Book of Formation
    • 3,400 years ago: Moses and the Revelation at Mount Sinai
    • 2,000 years ago: Rav Shimon Bar Yochai and the Revelation at Mount Sinai Rav Shimon Bar Yochai and the Zohar
    • 500 years ago: Rav Shimon Bar Yochai and the Zohar Rav Isaac Luria
    • 1922: Rav Yehuda Ashlag founds the Kabbalah Centre with Rav Yehuda Brandwein.
    • 1971: Rav and Karen Berg open the Kabbalah Centre to anyone wishing to learn Kabbalah.
  • How consciousness determines our reality
  • The limitation of the five senses: seeing the situation as a whole and not reacting to the limited reality of the 1% that presents itself to us.
  • Accessing the unlimited reality called the Reality of the 99%.


In this first lesson, discover the basics of Kabbalah and the first steps that will enable you to apply the ancient teachings of Kabbalah to develop your unlimited potential and determine your reality.

Über diesen Kurs

Whether you've been studying Kabbalah for ten minutes, ten months or ten years, The Power of Kabbalah Level 1 is the foundation for understanding and living the key Kabbalistic technology that can undeniably change your life. Join our lead teacher Eliahou Bouhanna, a student of Kabbalist Rav Berg, for this systematic and in-depth approach to becoming the cause and creator of the life you want - now.

Die Lehrer*innen

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