Januar 3, 2014
August 28, 2009
During the month of Virgo we interact with the energy of judgment. Join Michael Berg as he reveals how we can take control over the energy of jugment in our lives and gain the ability to control it. We also learn about the illusion of problems in our life and how by elevating a small spark of Light we can defeat what often appears to us as difficult battles and how teshuvah works on a deeper level.
The kabbalists teach that each day of our lives is a battle; not with others, not with situations, or with ourselves; but rather with our ego. Our ego is not who we are, it’s the compilation of our selfish and limiting tendencies that keeps us from growing and sharing. This battle is the work our soul came here to do. We can use this week’s energy of Ki Tetze to refocus our attention within, to the real work of revealing the totality of our soul.