Being Joyful in Every Moment

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The New Moon of Pisces

Being Joyful in Every Moment

Published: February 23, 2021
Originally recorded: February 11, 2021

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Lesson Highlights

  • Opening the Gate of Happiness in Pisces
  • Not being "destination happy"
  • Living and being present in the moment
  • Choosing not to hug our chaos
  • Tricking ourselves into awakening happiness
  • Using the mantra of Rav Akiva: "Whatever the Creator does, it is for good"
  • Striving for perfectionism is not choosing happiness
  • Enjoying every moment

Lesson Description

Join Monica as she shares stories and personal experiences that demonstrate how we can stop hugging chaos and experience joy in every moment.

About This Course

The month of Pisces is a time of recovering lost dreams and rekindling our passions. Our greatest work during Pisces is to become filled with joy. It is a month of happiness, miracles and wonders. It affords us the ability to achieve mind over matter, to overcome our doubts, and connect to the Light.Pisces is the only month that occasionally repeats itself in a single calendar year. Because of the difference between the lunar and the solar year, the sages add an extra month to the lunar year in order to balance the two. The months are then referred to as Adar I and Adar II. This instance occurs 7 times every 19 years. When we experience two months of Adar, we are given an extra dose of that powerful energy. These lessons presented on the New Moon of Pisces help elevate your consciousness and present tools, so you can avoid pitfalls and connect with the positive attributes available this month.

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