The Meaning of Correction

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The Writings of the Ari

The Meaning of Correction

Опубликовано: Январь 26, 2021
Записано: Ноябрь 1, 2020

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Основные моменты урока

  • Light and darkness cannot coexist in the same place, so corrected and uncorrected cannot reside in the same physical body
  • Reciting the prayer of the Shemah before going to sleep, from a place of pure intention helps correct our Soul and elevate our consciousness within the same incarnation
  • It is our responsibility to reveal Light where there is darkness
  • Positive actions give us the opportunity to correct ourselves and many more Souls  
  • All the most elevated Souls have achieved their correction through choosing Light amidst darkness in their physical experience
  • Every time we do something positive, beyond our reactive nature, we actually break through the layers of darkness that surround our Soul

Описание урока

In chapter 4 of Gate of Reincarnations, Rav Isaac Luria explains the meaning of correction of the Soul, and guides us in the process of evolution.

Об этом курсе

Isaac Luria, who came to be known as The Ari (meaning ‘Lion’ in Hebrew) because of his prodigious capacity for spiritual study and understanding, was a 16th century kabbalist who delved deeply into the mystical wonders of the Zohar. Commonly considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, the Ari produced a historic commentary on the Zohar that removed many of its layers of complexity. His teachings created some of the most important kabbalistic ideas and practices used today, including the concept of tikkun, or correction of the soul. Join us for a consciousness-expanding course as we demystify the seminal writings of the Ari and connect with his righteous soul.

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