Sharing the Epiphanies

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Life In The Upper World

Sharing the Epiphanies

Published: January 4, 2021
Originally recorded: October 29, 2020

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Lesson Highlights

  • There is no metaphysical language
  • Teaching of Rav Ashlag: 125 Steps to the Creator Consciousness
  • The spectrum of energy resonances: dark, dense and cold at the bottom; wide, light, pleasant and loving at the top
  • Raining sustenance and blessings all of the time
  • The Endless World: our true home
  • Having similarity of form with the Creator Force
  • Releasing attachments of temporary fulfillment
  • Consistent actions of kindness without an agenda
  • Reliving painful moments chosen by the soul
  • Elevating the frequency of love, forgiveness, and compassion
  • The essence of teshuva, repentance
  • Being accountable for our soul's evolution
  • 3 messages on a silver platter
  • The purpose of a spiritual belief system
  • Returning to the physical reality

Lesson Description

As Batya's journey in the Upper World continues, she shares a transmission of epiphanies that she received and conveys how we can break through our own klipot, or shells, for the purpose of our spiritual evolution and living in oneness with the Light.

About This Course

The Zohar says that the physical world we inhabit is actually an illusion, as it is the supernal world that makes up our true reality. Longtime Kabbalah Centre Teacher, Batya Solomon, recently brushed up against the celestial realm as she contracted COVID-19, leading to a near-death experience in which she caught a glimpse of the perfection of the heavens. This experience has shifted her spiritual work, and she is excited to share it with you. Join us for an inspiring seminar as Batya shares her story and gives us tips on how we can use it as a tool for transformation. We will also delve into kabbalistic themes such as our true purpose in life, the reasons for being given our specific tikkun, how to let go of attachments that don’t serve us, and more.

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