Bamidbar: Revealing Our Own Uniqueness

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Shabbat Consciousness

Bamidbar: Revealing Our Own Uniqueness

Published: May 26, 2020
Originally recorded: May 23, 2020

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Lesson Highlights

  • The beginning of a new time: Bamidbar, Gemini, Shavuot
  • Being on the other side of a wall leaving behind negativity and judgment
  • Asking for constant direction and clarity from the Light of the Creator
  • Using the tools of the Torah and Zohar
  • The strengthening of the heart
  • Being important in our own eyes

Lesson Description

Michael shows us how we can live our true purpose in every moment and reveal the unique Light that only we can bring to the world.

About This Course

This week’s energy of Bamidbar pushes us to face our Opponent – the force that challenges us – to understand how it operates in our lives. Only through this understanding, and the spiritual work and change it enables for each of us, can we bring ourselves inner peace. When we have a force to push us, we can grow to reach our highest selves. Seek that force out this week, embrace it, and see how it only exists to drive you to become better.

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