Turning the Bitter to Sweet

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Turning the Bitter to Sweet

Karen Berg
Outubro 30, 2016
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Welcome friends to the month of Scorpio! In Hebrew this month is called, "Mar Cheshvan," which means bitter month. One reason for this might be that there are no holidays in this month, no major cosmic openings such as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur through which we were able to draw tremendous Light and energies into our beings. The Great Flood when Noah built his ark and an entire generation were destroyed occurred during this time. And yet we understand that this universe operates in polarity: where is the the most darkness there is also the most potential for light. Just as our greatest challenges usually lead us to our greatest triumphs, so too is it that where there is bitterness there is potential for sweet.

And so it is with Scorpio. It is a period of time during which what is false falls away; when things are taken out from under the covers and we are able to see them for what they really are, rather than what our agenda wanted them to be. It is a time of decision making and movement, a time when we part ways with what is not real and are reunited and strengthened in what is. Really, it is a time of power. Because to see what is real and what is not real is truly powerful indeed. That said, here are a few opportunities we can take advantage of in the coming weeks.

1. Strengthen your sense of purpose.

This month is a beautiful time to ask one of the most important questions of all: “Why am I here?” Everything that exists within us – all our gifts, our talents, our blessings – are here for the purpose of adding more benefit to the world that wasn’t here when we came into it. We can use the tremendous energy and momentum that is available this month to pull back the veils and get clear on who we are and what we need to do here.

2. Be Willing to Bend.

Scorpios are known for their razor-like focus and their steadfast determination, both great qualities in their own right. However, it also behooves one to learn to “bend,” and as this is the challenge of some Scorpios, that energy which permeates this month may challenge us. This month, remember that the palm tree is so strong and grows so tall because it learned to bend. Be flexible. Remember that being with the Light is greater than being right.

3. You have everything you need in this moment to become who you need to be.

Sometimes we think if we had what someone else had, then we would finally be happy. But the truth is that we have exactly what we need right here and now to take the steps to become who we need to be. Make sure you aren't foregoing your own Light to try to be like someone else. We are all here to be a part of this massive symphony we call life. Each one of us has been gifted with our own instrument, our own Light, our own spiritual responsibility; the difficulties and challenges we face are what bring us forward towards that role.

4. Appreciate what is around you.

As I have said before, it is very important when we see a painting, to say, "Yes, it is beautiful, but it is far more beautiful to have the eyes to see the painting.” And for that, to be ever grateful to have that vision. There is no shortage of beauty surrounding us. It will benefit each of us this month to appreciate more and complain less, to focus on what’s right instead of what’s wrong, and to see the Light in everyone and everything so that we may elevate out of our own darkness. That’s how we take what is bitter in this month, and turn it to sweetness.

Chodesh Tov, and have a great month!

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