Free Yourself From Chaos

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Free Yourself From Chaos

Ruth Nahmias
Março 23, 2020
Curtir 1 Comentários Compartilhar

Coronavirus is undoubtedly one of the most talked-about subjects of 2020. There is a lot going on in the cosmos at the moment. The Capricorn stellium in the chart of this new moon is one of them. There is a major aspect out there that has contributed to the chaos in the world right now; that is the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. Pluto rules life cycles, while Jupiter has a way of magnifying things. So, together things are feeling out of control. The conjunction is in Capricorn, a sign associated with old age, but also with rules and regulations. Indeed, the older population seems to be more affected by the virus. This pressure that started to form early this year will peak mid-March, increasing the energy of vulnerability and helplessness this month.

During this new moon of Aries, we are at a karmic crossroads. The world is changing, and this is the time to learn to embrace our vulnerabilities. Through the month of Aries, because of the planetMars (ruler of Aries) who plays a very important role this month (conjunct Jupiter and Pluto), we may witness a peak in negativity. On the positive note, starting in April, the planets Mars and Saturn are out of Capricorn, releasing the tension. This should spark a general sense of release.

In this month of Aries, we also have Jupiter in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Let’s not forget that Jupiter is the greater beneficent one in astrology. Jupiter’s involvement is a sign that something good will come.

It is said, “It is not the strongest, nor the most intelligent that will survive, but the wise that will keep the lesson when the problem is gone …” The most important thing to learn this New Moon of Aries is to work toward creating a world “free of chaos.” Pluto’s higher purpose is to make us stronger and more spiritual, so we can connect to our soul’s purpose. We all need to take responsibility for what is going on in the world right now.

Have we stagnated? Have we stayed too long in our “comfort zones”? Pluto (who is Mars’ higher octave) is here to remind us that change is a constant of life, and we are better off embracing it every step of the way, so we can remember the lesson long after the problem is gone.

Chodesh tov and have a great, healthy month!
