Transforming Spiritual Poverty

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Getting Zohar

Transforming Spiritual Poverty

Pubblicato: Marzo 24, 2014
Registrato originalmente: Marzo 23, 2014

Mi piace 1 Commenti Condividi

Punti salienti della Lezione

  • Giving charity and removing an aspect of death
  • Feeling the pain of others
  • Spiritually benefiting others 

Descrizione della Lezione

Limited awareness of the spiritual system is the deepest form of poverty we experience. Empathy for those experiencing this lack helps them elevate from this state and provides greater control over our lives.

Su questo Corso

The Zohar is not only a book of wisdom, but also a book of Light. Kabbalists teach that connecting with the Zohar as a spiritual tool reveals this Divine Light, called the Concealed Light or Or HaGanuz in our lives and in the world. Just as when a candle is lit in a dark room, the darkness disappears, so to does the shining of the Light of the Creator that is embodied in every word of the Zohar remove darkness from our lives.There are different levels of connecting with the Zohar including owning it, scanning or reading the ancient Aramaic text and study. Getting Zohar provides you with short teachings to awaken your consciousness and assist you in taking action to create change and transformation in your life.

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