Getting Supernal Assistance

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Lecture du thème astral kabbaliste

Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.

Sollicitez une lecture de votre thème astral
Guidance personnelle_ Les services du Centre de la Kabbale

Séances individuelles avec un professeur pour approfondir un domaine qui vous intéresse ou pour vous soutenir là où vous en avez le plus besoin. Les réunions se concentrent sur votre Tikkun personnel et sur une étude approfondie des textes du Zohar.

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The Writings of the Ari

Getting Supernal Assistance

Publié: mars 16, 2021
Enregistré le: décembre 13, 2020

Aimer 3 Commentaires Partager

Point clés du cours

  • Understanding that the source of all blessings within every prayer and connection is the Endless Light
  • Difference between gilgul, incarnation and ibur
  • Ibur is the strength and boost of energy to expand our consciousness
  • Rigtheous Souls ignite our consciousness with gratitude, appreciation, certainty, faith and hope
  • Feeling motivation is a sign that we are getting the support of righteous Souls
  • Spiritual actions and prayers constantly draw the assistance of the Light, to help us continue on our spiritual path
  • There is not such a thing as a wasted effort
  • Being in a negative place or environment, constantly taking and complaining, cause disconnection from the Light
  • Choosing positive thoughts, words and actions is a must in the process of evolution

Description du cours

In chapter 5 of Gate of Reincarnations, Rav Isaac Luria explains that righteous Souls are elevation of Light that support the evolution and final redemption of the physical world. The continuous pursuit of our spiritual work is the key to receiving and benefiting from their assistance.

Au sujet de ce cours

Isaac Luria, who came to be known as The Ari (meaning ‘Lion’ in Hebrew) because of his prodigious capacity for spiritual study and understanding, was a 16th century kabbalist who delved deeply into the mystical wonders of the Zohar. Commonly considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, the Ari produced a historic commentary on the Zohar that removed many of its layers of complexity. His teachings created some of the most important kabbalistic ideas and practices used today, including the concept of tikkun, or correction of the soul. Join us for a consciousness-expanding course as we demystify the seminal writings of the Ari and connect with his righteous soul.

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