Living in the World of Ashrei

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Lecture du thème astral kabbaliste

Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.

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The New Moon of Cancer

Living in the World of Ashrei

Publié: janvier 9, 2014
Enregistré le: juin 21, 2009

Aimer 2 Commentaires Partager

Point clés du cours

  • The nuts and bolts of an astrological chart: The sun represents how people see you, the moon represents how you appear internally and the rising sign is the balance between the two
  • More criminals born in Cancer and more More mentally disturbed people born in Aquarius than any other months
  • Traits of Cancerians
  • Overcoming fears and emotions
  • The 3 negative months: Cancer, Leo and Capricorn
  • The destruction of the Temple
  • Assistance of the Magen David (Shield of David)
  • Guarding ourselves from taking and being taken
  • Giving with our heart and balancing our emotions
  • The letter chet
  • Seeing Mars
  • Creating the World of Ashrei (Praiseworthy)
  • The negativity in the world
  • Getting our of our own way and overcoming fears

Description du cours

Today it seems that there is more negativity present in our world and as Karen reminds us, we have a choice to make. We can either enter the ark and the world of Ashrei, Praiseworthiness, by overcoming our fears, getting out of our way and taking care of others, or we can swim in the sea. Until the 17th day of Cancer, a cosmic opening exists that can allow us to heal and recooperate from the challenges of the last few months. If we can give with our hearts, we can take this opportunity to build protection and connect to blessings in the challenging months ahead.

Au sujet de ce cours

The Aramaic word for the sign of Cancer is sartan. Sar means to tear or remove, and tan means chaos. The power of this month is assistance in removing any negativity now growing in our lives that might turn into greater chaos down the road. These lessons presented on the New Moon of Cancer help elevate your consciousness and present tools, so you can avoid pitfalls and connect with the positive attributes available in this month.

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