We’ve All Got Some Seas to Part
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We’ve All Got Some Seas to Part

Monica Berg
avril 18, 2022
Aimer 4 Commentaires Partager

Do you think in ways that are limited or limitless?

That’s the crux of the traditional Passover story. There the Israelites stood, trapped on the banks of the Red Sea. Pursued by Pharoah and his army, they faced that deep, wide sea: a seemingly impossible barrier to their freedom. While the story tells how the Creator heard their cries and parted the waters, Kabbalah teaches that the Israelites took a much more active role in the miracle. They co-created the splitting of the sea through the belief and certainty that it could be done! Their thoughts were not limited by their understanding of what was possible or impossible.

We, too, can harness this light on Pesach more than at any other time of the year. The cosmic window open to us during this holiday is so brightly illuminated, it has the power to obliterate all the dark corners in our minds where limiting thoughts like to hide. By removing our limitations, we enter into a consciousness of true freedom. Which, as consciousness goes, is the gold standard!

We can tap into this transformative opportunity by paying attention to what we're focusing on, both today and in our general thought patterns. Many of the barriers we put up for ourselves come from fear or ego.

Are we limiting our own potential?

Are we participating in negative self-talk--you know, the "I can't do this/I don't deserve this" sort of thinking?

Are we spending too much time focusing on what's wrong, feeding worries instead of empowering ourselves, judging the actions or words of others instead of elevating our own?

What is your own biggest obstacle at the moment, your own Red Sea in need of parting?

Last year, our son David made a request at a family dinner: he wanted everyone at the table to share what they saw as his "worst trait."

The table went silent.

...Continue reading on my weekly blog at rethinklife.today

