Virgo Study Guide

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Lecture du thème astral kabbaliste

Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.

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Séances individuelles avec un professeur pour approfondir un domaine qui vous intéresse ou pour vous soutenir là où vous en avez le plus besoin. Les réunions se concentrent sur votre Tikkun personnel et sur une étude approfondie des textes du Zohar.

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Virgo Study Guide

Centre de la Kabbale
août 12, 2021
Aimer 10 Commentaires Partager

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, our choices in the present – our words, actions, consciousness, and intentions – literally have the power to reshape and redefine our future. This is true during the weeks leading up to Rosh Hashanah, perhaps more than ever. The month of Virgo (Elul) is our golden opportunity before our new year is determined at Rosh Hashanah to pay attention to details, get in touch with our soul’s true God-like nature, and recognize the effect our behavior has on others. Through this spiritual work, we can ensure that our coming year will be filled with all the blessings we need to become the best version of ourselves. Further, the ancient kabbalists teach that the more we study these powerful windows in time – Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah – the more powerful our connection will be, thereby maximizing our experience and the Light we can receive.

Below are some staff-picked articles and lectures we hope will inspire you and help you to maximize this powerful window in time.


- 30 Days of Virgo

- The Four Steps of Teshuvah

- A Return to the Creator by Karen Berg

- The Light is Closest by Michael Berg


Video Lessons

- Grabbing the Month of Virgo with Michael Berg

- Embracing Change with Monica Berg

- Back to the Future with Rav Berg

- Learning from Our Opponent with Eitan Yardeni

- Connecting to our Perfected Self Meditation with Sarah Weston


Video Courses

- 30 Days of Virgo with Monica Berg & several Kabbalah Centre instructors

- 22 Days of Transformation with David Ghiyam

- A Journey to the Beginning of the Endless with Karen Berg

Recommended Zohar Scanning

The Kabbalists specifically recommend studying and or scanning Tikunei HaZohar to receive assistance in the process of teshuvah during the month of Elul. During his lifetime, Rav Brandwein continued to write the commentary on the Zohar after the death of his teacher, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, and also began to write a commentary on the Tikunei HaZohar entitled Ma’alot haSulam (“Ascents [rungs] of the Ladder”). Tikunei HaZohar contains seventy different interpretations (tikkunim) by Rav Shimon bar Yochai of the Hebrew word beresheet, the first word of the Torah. Tikunei HaZohar volumes 1 and 2 can be found on our online store.

Additional Books

- High Holidays Study Kit

- Complete High Holiday’s Collection

- Kabbalistic Astrology by Rav Berg

CLICK HERE to explore our complete Virgo collection.
