The Most Powerful Way to Connect to the Light

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The Most Powerful Way to Connect to the Light

Centre de la Kabbale
octobre 22, 2018
Aimer 5 Commentaires Partager

The kabbalists teach that the reason we are in this world, and even for the creation of our world, is to allow us to become closer to the Light of the Creator. Everything in our world is designed to give us the tools we need to accomplish this. When we are connected to the Light, our doubts dissipate. Worries and fears fade. We have more certainty in the universe, and we feel at peace. There are many ways to connect to the Light of the Creator. Some go to church or synagogue. Others study different forms of spirituality. As students of the Centre, we likely scan the Zohar, hear the Torah reading, or attend classes on a regular basis. These are all powerful ways to connect. But perhaps the single most powerful way to connect to the Light, is by helping another connect to the Light.

"The single most powerful way to connect to the Light, is by helping another connect to the Light."

We come closer to the Creator by becoming like Him. This means transforming ourselves into beings of selfless sharing. Helping others connect to the Light is one of the highest forms of sharing. By doing so, we give them the chance to experience the power, fulfillment, and endless blessings of the Light. There is no greater gift we can bestow upon someone! This is the reason The Kabbalah Centre exists – to spread the wisdom and tools that help people connect. It is a blessing in itself that we have access to these incredible spiritual tools.

"Each person has their own unique spiritual path to walk."

Helping someone else connect to the Light does not mean that we force our beliefs on them, nor do we judge them for their actions or lifestyle. It is important to remember that each person has their own unique spiritual path to walk. We cannot force anyone to do the spiritual work and we cannot do it for them. What we can do, however, is provide support along their journey.

Here are some proactive ways that we can help others connect to the Light:

• Provide a shoulder to lean on.

Letting someone know that they are not alone in their struggles can remind them that the Creator is with us always, even in the darkness.

• Volunteer.

Volunteering at your local church, spiritual organization, or charity can also go a long way towards helping others on their spiritual path. Rav Berg often spoke of how much Light was being revealed simply in the setting up of chairs and tables for a class where the Zohar was going to be taught. When we contribute to a community, however large or small, we make it that much stronger. 

• Lead by example.

The best way to inspire others towards a spiritual path is to become the living embodiment of the spiritual principles in which you believe. When we walk the walk, people see the positive influence of the Light in our lives. What better way to show someone the power of the Creator?

 - - - 

"Everything starts with desire."

No matter how we choose to help others, it is necessary that we do so with a strong desire for the Light. The intention behind our actions is so important to our spiritual growth. Everything starts with desire. When we help others without a desire for the Light, we connect to our egos. Although we are trying to help, we might do so because we want to feel good about ourselves, want others to like us, or to control them. In other words, it is not truly selfless. Real desire is born in our hearts and it leads us naturally to positive actions. The more that we want to be like the Creator, the more focused we are on sharing from a selfless place.

When we focus our intentions on helping others connect so that we can be closer to the Creator, opportunities to share naturally arise. Keep an eye out for these opportunities! Each one is a chance to share with someone, helping both of us to connect to the Light in the most powerful way.
