Shining Light on the World

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Shining Light on the World

Karen Berg
juillet 30, 2019
Aimer 1 Commentaires 1 Partager

Welcome to the month of Leo. For those of you lucky enough to have a Leo in your life, you know that they are fiery, magnanimous, generous people with huge hearts and a lot of energy.

The sign of Leo is ruled by the sun, which heats all of the planets in our solar system. Not surprisingly, Leos love to be the center of attention. They like compliments, although they can sometimes have fiery tempers. In addition, they also assume—for better or for worse—that they know what is best for themselves and for those around them.

"Welcome to the month of Leo."

The spiritual goal for each of us this month is to go against our Leo instincts: to back up, to be a little quieter, to not believe we know everything. God knows, we all occasionally dive head first into situations before we realize we don’t know how to get ourselves out of them, so the idea here is to keep our mouth in check and our ears open. In addition, we need to listen to those people around us who are trying to give us a message for our path.

Also, we shouldn’t be surprised this month if we find ourselves feeling unusually insecure in our jobs, families, or relationships. It’s because Leo energy can make us hyper-concerned with what other people think of us.

When this feeling of insecurity hits, remember that the small tools—prayer, meditation, the 72 Names of God, even a walk around the block—can help us reconnect to the spark of Light within, bring us to another level of consciousness, and allow us to approach whatever situation we are facing from a stronger, more proactive place.

"There is great potential for strength and positivity."

In terms of energy, there is an energy polarity this month. On one hand, there is great potential for strength and positivity, but at the same time, there is a great deal of turmoil in the world. Let’s not forget that we are not separate from what is happening around the world or from the hurt that our neighbor feels right across the street.

When we pray, meditate, or do whatever we do to connect to our higher power, let’s also remember to send energy of healing and protection to all the places and people living in the midst of battle and chaos in the world.

While we may not be able to physically stop the chaos that is going on, what we can do is control our own consciousness. We can decide to be the pebble that falls into the water, creating ripples of positivity that extend far beyond ourselves.

Chodesh Tov (Wishing you a good month).

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