Seizing Our Opportunities

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Seizing Our Opportunities

Ruth Nahmias
décembre 16, 2017
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The month of December is connected to a big cosmic mover-and-shaker, Saturn. Representing all things "real", Saturn enters Capricorn on December 19th and remains there until December 17th, 2020. Saturn is the planet that gives us the resolve to do those things we want to avoid, like cleaning or starting a diet. Saturn reminds us of the consequences of neglecting our duties, but will not stop us. The message is: Every action, right or wrong, has consequences. You choose!

Capricorn is similar to Saturn in nature, structure, and manifestation. One can easily see how Saturn and Capricorn match well, as they’re both practical and realistic. When there is this kind of affinity between a planet and a sign, it’s called Rulership. This means that both planets are energetically connected; in this case, both Saturn and Capricorn push us to get out of our comfort zone and take action, even if we don’t feel like it.

The big thing this month is: Restriction. When was the last time you woke up and said, “I want to practice Restriction today?” Very few of us have that thought first thing in the morning.

Today, temptations are…tempting, and illusions are more “real” than ever. And it’s perhaps more difficult to resist surrendering to one of them. Thankfully, Saturn in Capricorn is a reality check!

How exactly do we define what is right and what is wrong? Some things, like murder or abuse, are obviously unacceptable. But the morality of many other behaviors and actions is not so clear. What’s the truth between reality and illusion? Can we really believe what we “see”? We live in a world where rules are constantly changing, where “karma” has become a familiar word, and where every action has consequences. It’s not really about right and wrong, but rather, cause and effect. Very “Saturn in Capricorn”.

Throughout history, some interesting events have occurred under the influence of Saturn in Capricorn. Two of the major financial crashes – in 1929 and 1987, both in October – happened when Saturn was entering Capricorn. On the other hand, after twenty-six years in prison, in 1990, Nelson Mandela was released. He became the President of South Africa. A year earlier, the Berlin Wall came down, leading to the reunification of East and West Germany.

With Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scorpio, we'll be going into the new year with the planet of energy and drive (Saturn) hooking up with the planet of opportunity and abundance (Jupiter). That's good news for us!

We are shifting from the extroverted energy of Fire in 2017 to a year of introverted energy associated with Water and Earth. In this year more than ever, we will need to “see” with our “spiritual eyes” – our soul!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the readers a peaceful Winter Solstice and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2018.

Happy New Moon of Capricorn!
