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Connect to Your Inner Compass

Miriam Ashkenazi
janvier 11, 2021
Aimer 15 Commentaires 1 Partager

Aquarius is here, and this year it’s big and loud and clear!

Aquarius is the rebel of the Zodiac. The energy of the sign of Aquarius is known to be unpredictable, grand, unique, and outside the box, which is potentially liberating for all.

We’ve already experienced the strong energy of Aquarius during the end of 2020 when the historical cosmic event of the great conjunction took place. The planets Jupiter and Saturn, which are both a driving force of this world’s social-economic powers, entered into the sign of Aquarius together in December of 2020! (An event that also took place 800 years ago!)

Now, as the month of Aquarius is upon us, and because next week the sun will enter the sign of Aquarius, we will all be submerged with an Aquarian energetic influence for the entire month. This month it's time to make some decisions. It will be very clear to all that we need to choose which side we want to be on. Aquarius pushes us towards freedom and liberation, which sounds very tempting, but at the same time, it requires a strong mind and absolute certainty. We must know that when things do not go our way or do not follow a predictable course, they will turn out for the best. We are still safe in the hands of the Lightforce of the Creator.

The fight against the opponent is very strong, especially in the beginning of the month when Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter (in Aquarius) form a challenging aspect to the rebellious and forceful planets, Mars and Uranus (in Taurus). This cosmic setting can ignite a fire within each one of us to fix all the wrongdoings, uproot any negative influences of authority, set things straight and fair, and fight for our rights and the rights of others.

If you find yourself in the midst of any conflict or revolution, remember that the real fight is the one we wage against our opponent! The danger of this month is to become swept away with grand ideas, grand actions, and the desire to completely transform our reality at all costs. The true revolution is connecting more deeply to others and the Lightforce of the Creator. Don’t be afraid to be a part of a revolution, even if the outcome is unclear. Know where you are coming from, connect to your inner compass, and remember that the real opponent is not the people and ideas around you; it is within each one of us, trying to distract us from changing and evolving spiritually.

There are a few other setbacks this month when both Mars and Uranus are in the sign of Taurus challenging many planets in Aquarius. The energy of Taurus might seem like one that typically pushes for peace, harmony, and stability. But with this harsh aspect, Taurus might show its radical edge, and we will want to stay cautious of the danger this edge poses. The desire to control or lead situations in a direction we think is more secure and safe—even though it’s against the will of others—is mainly what we want to pay attention to and avoid as much as we can. “Control” might be a channeling aspect in the second week of this month. Therefore, we are better off sticking to the more free-spirited and detached aspects of the sign of Aquarius.

As we move forward towards the second half of the month, Venus, the planet of peace and harmony, visits close by many of the major planets—first Pluto in Capricorn, and then Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. This can definitely be a stabilizing force, supporting our world through any potential turmoil and conflict we may experience at this time while pushing us towards stability and diplomacy in many aspects.

One last thing to keep in mind is that on January 30th, Mercury in Aquarius will turn retrograde and direct our energy toward examining any drama, tension, or conflict that we may have experienced in the past few weeks. Notice in which aspects of your life you are choosing to detach and be a free agent. The month of Aquarius gives us an opportunity to make a difference and influence our environment in a big way. But at the same time, it can challenge our ability to connect to others on a more personal and intimate level. Take advantage of Mercury in retrograde by noticing where you need to strengthen your personal relationships; try not to let your grand involvements and grand ideas pull you away from the most important people in your life.

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