How to Cultivate a Warrior Mindset

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How to Cultivate a Warrior Mindset

Monica Berg
Diciembre 12, 2022
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What–and who–is a warrior?

The archetype usually depicts one seasoned in the art of war. Some are masters in the martial arts; others may be archers or swordsmen. No matter the skill, our hero couples it with formidable mental strength. Cue the dramatic music (in Hollywood's version) as the warrior faces daunting odds yet still defeats the enemy–and always for the greater good.

Fast forward a couple millennia, where our modern-day hero may show up wearing Patagonia and arrive via train, bike, or SUV. Such warriors head to battles on a different set of fields, such as sports stadiums, corporate offices, or political platforms. Some call themselves "climate warriors," "social justice warriors," or "warriors for peace." The mythic designation suggests power and prowess. It hints at a fierce resolve to fight for a common goal.

That same potency, that attention and direction, is something we can all tap into on the battlefields of our lives! Some call it the "warrior mindset"--and it's a way of thinking that can help elevate us to new levels of growth and fulfillment.

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