Astrology Forecast for December 24-30, 2017

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Astrology Forecast for December 24-30, 2017

Yael Yardeni
Diciembre 24, 2017
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Let me start by wishing everybody a happy holiday season, full of Light and energy! As 2018 appears at the horizon, let’s find out what surprises the cosmos has for us these days.

"This week, the first lesson is about expectations."

This week’s chart is a blend of Earth and Water… real clay! We already entered lunar Capricorn (4 planets are already in that sign), heavy Saturn has entered Capricorn too and left our Sagittarian friends finally alone! It’s always hard to have the cosmic IRS flying all over you. The Moon is in the tail end of airy Aquarius and will enter Pisces very soon. The rising of the chart is Cancer. But before you say, “Oh no, more water!” thank goodness Mercury is no longer retrograde. It is still in clumsy Sagittarius though, so everyone remember to be tactful! An interesting feature is the placement of most planets in the western hemisphere of the chart, “outward” of ourselves.

So it’s all very wet, a bit cranky and emotional! If we look a little closer, however we will find that the message of this week is about…. families!

Cancer (rising!) is the sign of family and roots per excellence.

Of course it is no coincidence that this is the holiday season. We will be glad to witness that Kabbalistic wisdom is not short on humor, when it asks: "Who need enemies when we have families and relatives?" (A Zohar quote!) Truth be told, when we look at the Biblical stories, it seems psychologists would have had a lot to work with! Which families in the Bible are NOT dysfunctional? Answer: None!

"This whole holiday season let’s just enjoy – and stay calm!"

So what’s in it for us? And how is that relevant to this week?

The first lesson is about expectations.

For some unknown reason, we all have fantastical expectations of Capricornian proportions when it comes to our families. They need to be supportive, kind, sharing, an example of righteousness, and of course never God forbid, disagree with the decisions we make in our lives!

Well, newsflash! Everyone has problems, we all come in this world with a little tikkun, a correction (think: karma), and if we were perfect, we would surely be on another planet! We just need to realize and accept the fact that our families are not perfect, and that’s OK.

To put this wisdom into practical use, this whole holiday season let’s just enjoy – and stay calm! Even if our great granduncle has a lot of opinions about who we date, or our new hair color, the trick is simply to take it as a limited message, understanding that we might have possibly overlooked something, and Voila!

The Second lesson is about the bigger picture.

Kabbalists pinpoint something amazing. They say that each child is born into the exact environment they need, in order to learn the specific lessons they were meant to learn in this life. But what if we have a parent who’s a grump, and who never ever stops talking about our shortcomings and past mistakes? What are we to do with that?

Let's try an experiment during the holidays: Let’s just smile, and decline to answer!                           

Instead , let’s walk around and share with everyone. This is a great opportunity to see the movie of our lives! While we are literally walking around the room sharing with everyone (Karen Berg often reminds us, “We always have something to share, even if it’s only a smile and a kind word.”), we can see how each person interacts with each other, including who is picking on whom. Be wise enough to not jump into the pond, but rather to round the edges and beautiful angles bringing Light and peace to all those around us.

Let’s change our movies this season! Chances are, our entourage will be very surprised we are not engaging in any arguments.

This is our greatest opportunity this week to correct our roots, to inject positive energy where there are conflicts, and surely this can be the beginning of a much better family dynamic for the future.

Oh, and one more thing! Cancer rising and Moon soon entering Pisces are not so great for our waistlines. Beware of excess! Obviously this is the week of holidays, so the cosmic reminder is welcome.

Very happy Holidays to all!

To be continued!


