Astrology Forecast for September 14-20, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for September 14-20, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Septiembre 14, 2014
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Hi Everyone! It’s our last week until Rosh Hashanah! Let’s go, guys!

Our beloved teacher, Rav Berg, always called this time our opportunity to go “back to the future.” It’s like using an eraser and removing all the aspects of the past year where we didn't do that great.

Let’s find out how the cosmos is supporting us this week! The chart starts with a very strongly anchored Taurus moon, planet Mercury, and North Node in Libra, which sounds peaceful enough. Although, with a closer look it seems the cosmos still contains tons of fire—a total of six planets in a fire sign!

So, it appears that, once again, we are caught between two currents: one which helps us keep the peace and stay anchored, and the other which prompts us to go on a self-centered “me” trip! Which one is it going to be? What is the cosmos telling us?

The first and most essential piece of wisdom this week is to find peace internally. What that means on a practical level is rather simple: we must learn to accept ourselves and to recognize all the great gifts the cosmos has actually given us.

These gifts are double; they’re the blessings we count in our lives and the inner qualities and talents we were given. Often times in our spiritual work we focus too much on what we need to correct and change—on what’s wrong with our behavior and that of others. Although it is important to take responsibility for our past behavior, it’s equally as important to understand that life is a journey through which the Light has given us many presents.

Wow, that’s a first! Looking at the good and only the good!

I would suggest as a practical homework assignment for the week ahead to make a list of all the great things we already have in our lives, and (very importantly) all the good we can bring to others. My friends, we are in for very pleasant surprises!

This week is about reinforcing goodness, so we are up for a great start to the New Year. Think about it for a moment, what team coach would encourage all the wrong actions in his players right before a big game? We are just before the biggest game ever, the one that will determine the entire upcoming year!

We need to cheer ourselves up by thinking about all the talents and achievements we have. At the end of this week, we are also blessed with a very positive day, the actual kabbalistic day of the Creation of the world (next Saturday). This is the day that everything started.

It’s about time we get a good reboot! All of us start out in life with great hopes and expectations, which are slowly eroded by disappointments, challenges, and misunderstandings. It is indeed an opportunity to start again with a clean slate. The kabbalists ask, what if we could go back to before it all happened? What if we could change the course of our movies right now and wipe all things clean?

But this isn’t a what if; we can actually do this, and the time is now. Let’s simply reconnect with our own true spirit, the one that pushed us to dream big and love life! Bring yourself back to life by remembering the self that existed before the erosion and punches.

Secondly, this week we have an opportunity to really feel that we are all “pieces of the same cloth,” as our teacher, Karen Berg, likes to put it. What that means is very simple: we all have the same desires, the same hopes, very similar dreams, and we are all looking for the same Light. Our essence is the same, no matter what color, place of the world, or family we come from.

If we knew more about our past lives we would discover that we pretty much walked in every shoe and entered every scenario imaginable! So, why be upset at this person or that person who lacked tact or manipulated us? No one ever wakes up thinking about how they are going to mess with someone’s life…unless they suffer from some serious pathological disorder!

This week we are choosing to love, to be open, to dream, and to hope, just as we did 10, 20, 30, or 40 years ago. Why? Because we can!

I want to wish everyone a wonderful year full of Light and blessings!

Much love to everyone and continue praying for peace!

Shana Tova,

