Messages from the Light
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Messages from the Light

Karen Berg
December 26, 2021
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This article on the portion of the week was originally published in 2018.

I have often heard it said that, first, the Creator will send us a pebble. If we do not hear the message, then the Creator will send a stone. Then a rock. Then a brick. If the message is still not received, the Creator will send a boulder. The Creator is always extending Himself first from a path of mercy and love, before creating challenges for us. We are loved, and because of this we are given what is called “free will”. There cannot be manipulation or coercion in the presence of love. For love is freedom. The Creator cannot transform us in any certain way. We must walk our path in life. We will have guidance on the way, but it must be our choice to walk our own path. Our world is built on such incredible mercy that it is possible for some of the worst crimes to be committed and the perpetrator not see any retribution for years or lifetimes. We are given what is called time. Time is the space between cause and effect. Time is mercy and it allows us to change our ways and repair any damage we have done. The system of life is fair, compassionate, and founded with love. If we find life to be throwing boulders our way, we need only to pause for a moment and observe our choices in life. Are we walking in the path of love and sharing? We have asked the Creator to help us grow into beings of Light. We have asked His help to awaken His essence within. This week, we take a peek into the mirror and see ourselves and where we are heading. We are willing to listen to the messages and gain the courage to hear what they are saying. This week, on the journey of life, we recalibrate our hearts and check our course. Have we gone off path? If so, this is the week to get back on course and move towards the Light. 

"Your heart is whispering to you the way, if you are only willing to hear it."

Our guide this week is the portion of the Torah called, Va’era. The quest to release the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt by our hero Moses continues. The Creator appears to Moses and tells him He has heard the Israelites’ cries for freedom and for a better life. He informs Moses that He will release the Israelites from their captivity and allow them to live a life of peace and prosperity, as intended. The Creator instructs Moses, and his brother Aaron, to confront Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, and request that he release them. If not, the Creator will continue to send stronger and more persuasive messages to Pharaoh. Pharaoh rebuked Moses and Aaron and denied their request. Thus, the initiation of the famous “Ten Plagues of Egypt.” Pharaoh was first sent a smaller message via Moses and Aaron, but he was not willing to truly hear. After refusing to release the Israelites, the Creator turned the River Nile into blood and sent a swarm of frogs inundating the land. Still, Pharaoh did not see these signs as any reason to change, and he refused to let the Israelites go free. The Creator then created lice and wild animals to wreak havoc on him and all of the land, yet even this did not convince Pharaoh of the Creator’s wishes. Still, the plagues of Egypt continued. The Creator sent to Pharaoh horrible plagues and disease, and yet, amazingly, Pharaoh would still not listen. At last, after the seventh plague, the worst yet, a heavy hail that caused complete and total destruction, Pharaoh finally agreed to release the Israelites from slavery. But as soon as the hail stopped, and the other plagues had ended, Pharaoh changed his mind, and retracted his word.

"How often in life do we hold on to our old ways and refuse to change?"

How often in life do we hold on to our old ways and refuse to change? Even when the Creator sends clear messages, we are still unwilling to let go of whatever we may be receiving at the moment. Oftentimes, our unwillingness to change and release an old pattern of behavior will steer us further and further into difficult waters, triggering the Creator to send louder and louder messages. But what does it take for us to hear? In life, we often do what works for us. We enjoy the unhealthy food we eat more than we wish to be healthy. We withstand abuse from a partner because we prefer being with someone to being alone. Pharaoh was experiencing major difficulties, but he loved his slaves and what they provided him. The Creator knows we must make the choices to grow and change ourselves, but thankfully, He is there to help us. Messages will come to steer us back on course, we only need to be open to seeing them and hearing them. We are often afraid to hear the message, and so we pretend there is no message at all. It takes great courage to change. The people in this world who succeed are the ones who are willing to hear the messages and allow their hearts to guide them. It is indeed scary to take a look into the mirror and see ourselves – but this week, we must be willing to take a look. Be willing to take a small peek at yourself and see what life is trying to tell you. Change is never easy, but it is also inevitable. How we change and when we change is what is left for us to decide.

This week in our meditations, we stand in the Light and begin to look at ourselves. We take a deep breath and prepare for what we may see. Take a look at yourself. What are the signs that your life is sending you? What challenges are you facing? We do not have to change overnight; the Creator only wants us to take a small step in the right direction. Each day, if you can, move away from a heart that is only concerned with what it can take and move towards one that wants to give. Oftentimes our greatest challenges are born from our own unwillingness to let go. As we look with courage at ourselves, we are willing to see the messages and know they come from the Creator to help us toward a path of fulfillment and joy. The Creator is our partner in this journey and everything is sent to us from love. This week, we are willing to hear the messages and to begin taking the small steps towards listening to them. If we are honest, we all know in our hearts where we have gone astray. Your heart is whispering to you the way, if you are only willing to hear it. 

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