How Can I Shape My Reality? 3 Tips to Take Charge of Your Life

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How Can I Shape My Reality? 3 Tips to Take Charge of Your Life

Adapted from Monica and Michael Berg’s Spiritually Hungry podcast. Listen and subscribe here.
November 13, 2023
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In the children’s book Harold and the Purple Crayon, a young boy uses his trusty purple crayon to build a fantastical world around himself, creating adventures and solving problems with the power of his imagination. Much like Harold, we each have the ability to create our own stories and shape our own reality with the power of our consciousness. 

Here are 3 tips to shape your reality and take charge of your life:

1. Reframe situations that upset or scare you as opportunities to grow.

The truth is that the vast majority of the situations that cause us anxiety, stress, frustration, or even sadness are fleeting moments that have little significance in the grand scheme of our lives. But it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the bigger picture. Someone cutting us off in traffic or an argument we have with our boss can be enough to ruin our day or even our week. 

If something causes a reaction in you, try to determine what you can learn from it. What is the opportunity? Find and explore why these things are part of your reality. Through our study and practice, we can get to a place where we see almost nothing as negative. In fact, one of the clearest ways to monitor your spiritual development is to gauge if something that would’ve normally upset you in the past does not have that effect on you today. 

2. Stop putting limitations on what you are capable of.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that our souls are limitless, which means we have endless potential innately within us. Yet, we often lose sight of this and impose limitations on ourselves. We may doubt what we are capable of achieving, or we might think we have finished growing and become set in our ways. 

We never stop growing if we commit to it. Even when you think you have done everything you were meant to do, ask yourself how you can expand even further and do more this lifetime. Break free from limitations. Know that living a “good life” is not even close to what your soul is meant to do in this world. Only when we consistently think like this can the potential of who we are meant to be become who we are. 

3. Focus more on expressing the truest parts of yourself and less on what others think.

We often allow so many people to influence us based on their doubts, fears, and opinions to the point that we sometimes lose the ability to hear our own voice. Your soul knows what you need. Your truth comes from within and is not based on the judgment of others. You are the only one who knows fully what you feel or experience.

The more you get in touch with yourself, the more you learn to trust yourself to make the right choices. And when you make mistakes, you’re able to have a conversation with yourself and learn from them. 

It’s important to be open to other people’s views and thoughts but not from a place of seeking their validation. At the end of the day, you are the person who has to live with your decisions. The importance of life is to allow our souls to express their Light and bring goodness into the world and to others. Make sure that you are expressing your soul to the extreme. 

99% of our life experience is based on our consciousness. The purpose of our spiritual work is to elevate our consciousness in order to change the way we see and experience life. By consistently reframing negative experiences, recognizing your limitless potential, and striving to express your soul authentically, you can experience a completely different life than you would otherwise. You have the power to grab the crayon and color in your own reality.

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