Astrology Forecast for July 5-11, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for July 5-11, 2015

Yael Yardeni
July 5, 2015
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Hi Everyone! First of all, I want to wish you all a very happy Fourth of July weekend!

With so many planets in Cancer in the cosmos this week, it is indeed suitable to surround yourself with family members, loved ones, and your tribe!

The chart opens up with an Aquarius rising and with the moon positioned in Aquarius. Venus and Jupiter are solidly interactive, while Saturn is still in retrograde, Scorpio, is playing some games trying to make us serious and responsible.

The chart’s most dominant element is, of course, water! The star of this month! Water is always about feelings. So, what's our mission this week? The answer lies in the very dominant Aquarius energy. The sign, Aquarius, can easily be considered the "antidote" of the sign of cancer.

Let’s consider, Why would we need an antidote for Cancer?

Well, it is the beginning of the three most intense weeks of the year, which start on the 17th day of Cancer (Tamuz), and end on the 10th day of Leo (Av).

At this point in time, a very quick overview of our survival kit is vital!

Starting this week, we really want to become more "low key" and not take risks. No extravaganzas, no selling or buying big lots. Events that have been preplanned are, of course, still on the menu. However, this is traditionally not a good cosmic time for new beginnings or new ventures. It's actually more of a cosmic window for reflection, deeper understanding of our own karma and behaviors, as well as tolerance for our surroundings.

Often times, because the cosmos is so tense people tend to get antsy, cranky, even angry during these three weeks. So, care should be taken to round angles and absolutely avoid arguments. Disputes and fights will have very difficult repercussions later in the year. In short, we are to become a bit of a monk for three weeks.

Going on a retreat, reading, and looking for tranquility are all definitely on the menu. Meditation, yoga, and long walks in nature are great too! Can we go on a holiday? Absolutely! But we shouldn’t make any rigid plans. Can we skydive or climb Mount Everest? Right now, that would be a rather challenging idea! Even a simple trip to the beach requires extra precautions.

Mother Nature always gives us signals—this period of time is renowned for mass migrations of jellyfish and sea creatures of all sorts in the ocean, and the visitation of sharks near the shore! The sea is trying to tell us beware, guys! Stay safe!

No need to panic. What we truly need right now is to relax and meditate. This is precisely the best cosmic time to do so. As our teacher Karen Berg often says, "We are human BEINGS, not human doers!" It’s a good time to do very little and open ourselves to more inspiration.

Another important point is the presence of all the Aquarius energy in the cosmos, which is very supportive of our current processes. Aquarius, when spiritual, is the most liberated and free of all the zodiac signs! The water bearer is the symbol of spreading knowledge and Light without fear. This is THE perfect week to create a list of all the fears we have, consciously or not, and uproot the cause underlying these feelings.

For instance, let's say this week we realize that a fear of change is blocking our growth. The plan is to start altering a small part of our daily flow. This small change can snowball into a much bigger one. If the fear is not "fitting in," we may desire to be different and simply find happiness with who we are.

The smallest actions taken to cancel our fears will have terrific outcomes later.

Sometimes, we are not even aware of certain feelings. Then it’s a wonderful idea to gather with good friends and discuss these blockages with them. The more solidarity and kindness we demonstrate to friends, family, or even strangers during this time, the more positivity will enter the cosmos to come to our aid.

The 9th of Av, which falls on July 26th this year, is a date to mark on your calendar; it’s the end of these three difficult weeks, and we will discuss it further in a later post. For now, let's reflect, meditate, and return to the root of our behaviors before we rise like a phoenix in three weeks time!

Have a wonderful, enlightened week!


