Astrology Forecast for April 17-23, 2016

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Astrology Forecast for April 17-23, 2016

Yael Yardeni
April 19, 2016
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Hi everyone! I hope we are all preparing with the 12 Days of Aries challenge from our teacher, Karen Berg!

We have a very important week ahead of us since the full moon of Aries occurs Friday night, April 22nd at dusk. For kabbalists, this is one of the two most important events of the astrological year, and it represents the time zone called Pesach.

This year we will need plenty of preparation and meditation! The full moon chart is really intense with a rising and moon in Scorpio. It sounds a bit like a war zone this time around. We are likely to feel an almost palpable tension in the air, so care should be taken to ventilate ourselves! As it happens, the chart is denied of air. So, make extra efforts to communicate optimally and clearly. No need to take anything personally either: everyone is on edge!

Obviously, since Pesach is a global cosmic event the world’s chart reflects many bumps, tensions, and misunderstandings, which appear all across the globe, especially in Europe. Many planets are already positioned in stubborn Taurus during this time, therefore we should proactively decide to let go as much as possible and flow with things, even if we disagree with them. Better a small compromise than a full-blown conflict!

Kabbalists explain many secrets about the current time, the month of Aries, and its full moon. We are taught all confrontations and all conflicts, especially spiritual ones, are decided and cosmically planned during this moment in time – in the height of Aries, or Nissan.

Right now, everything is being cosmically arranged and ordered on the potential level. In six months this seed will be manifested into a fruit, during the holiday of Rosh Hashanah – the other time zone for a new start.

In fact, if we follow kabbalistic consciousness, it is OUR task as human beings to cancel conflicts in the world through meditations and positive behavior, especially during the full moon. So EVERYONE’S help and participation is required right now, since the world’s chart is highly unstable.

A simple suggestion for each of us: set aside five minutes every day to send Light for world peace. Could that be enough? Absolutely! Collective consciousness is indeed exponential! On a personal level, the current time is extremely decisive for everyone’s lives. We need to properly strategize and plan in order to receive what we need for the year ahead.

One of our focuses right now is to isolate any type of unwanted egotistical behavior in our lives. Basically, we need to ask ourselves how many times and in what domain we acted selfishly in the last astrological year.

Oh my! This is going to look like a volume of Tolstoy…

But, no worries. The exercise is not about depressing ourselves. To the contrary, it is about letting go of some unnecessary baggage. So, let’s try to determine what makes us act selfishly. The code name for this behavior: "radioactive behavior." Why radioactive? Because it takes a long time to get rid of it, it’s really contagious, and quite dangerous spiritually. We need to be willing to erase the attitude, and immediately record the right behavior ON TOP of it.

For example, say someone just addressed us in a confrontational way. Our logical response might be to scold him or her back. New behavior: “Okay, I want to strangle him right now, but it won't change anything. Let me explain patiently what I see…”

It’s simple. We just need to have a real desire to do it, without falling into, “That's not fair,” “Why me?” or “Let them change!”

Aries requires a lot of mercy, compassion, and thoroughness. But truthfully, it is in our best interest to change our consciousness and behavior so our entire year will shine brighter. All the tools are in our hands. Let’s do this together!

Have a wonderful holiday filled with love, order, and compassion.
