Astrology Forecast for December 3-9, 2023

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Astrology Forecast for December 3-9, 2023

Ruth Nahmias
December 3, 2023
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December begins with the cosmos being very busy. You might wake up with your mind racing in all directions or feel the pressure in the air. You have no idea what’s ahead of you. There is risk and danger. Obstacles may test you along the path. But it’s this journey that will help you grow, learn, and ultimately become a stronger and more resilient version of yourself. 

The sun conjunct Mars transit is sometimes overlooked because we have one sun-Mars conjunction every two years. Through each journey, we learn a little bit more about ourselves and the world we live in. This week's portion, Vayeshev, explores brotherly hatred. Here, we are talking about the twelve tribes, the people who acted as vehicles for a powerful force of energy. And the passage explains the special love between Jacob and his son, Joseph. 

“The energy of this portion brings a beacon of Light for balance.”

At a moment in time when things are uncertain and chaotic, the energy of this portion brings a beacon of Light for balance, which is the energy we need the most. The love between Jacob and Joseph signifies the shield of David: Jacob forms the upper triangle, and Joseph forms the lower triangle. Together, they both bring balance into the world. The brothers were on a different level, a different frequency than Joseph—meaning, they were not balanced in form. This accounts for the disconnection between the two different levels of energy. 

The sale of Joseph to the Ishmaelites needed to happen so he could arrive in Egypt. It was not by chance. In this chapter, we also see how Joseph became “Joseph the Righteous.” What always kept Joseph afloat was his understanding that the Light was the only real power and that all else was only a vessel for the Light. In fact, if we look closely at the events that unfolded, we will see that it was this that led Joseph to rule. What happened to Joseph is an example for us to see that a person must sometimes descend deeply into the mud in order to ascend. Joseph’s strength was always in knowing that whatever happened simply affirmed his certainty with the Creator. 

There are 112 verses in this chapter, which is the connection between the material world (the world of judgment) and the spiritual world. It’s not by chance that there are 112 verses in this chapter, which is about compassion having power over judgment. On a personal level, this cycle will reveal how much we have accomplished (or not) towards bringing more Light into the world. With Mars conjunct the sun, it is going to be a time of intense introspection to reexamine what we find purposeful and meaningful in life. This year, there is an even stronger compulsion to act on transforming our world. 

“Consider what in your life lights you up.”

One way to harness the power of this week’s portion is to consider what in your life lights you up. What do you feel passionately about? When do you feel 100% alive? Listen to your intuition for sudden insights on how to make shifts towards what you want. Tolerance or acceptance of another person's point of view (even if you don’t agree) will allow for finding common ground.

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