Astrology Forecast for October 9-15, 2022


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Astrology Forecast for October 9-15, 2022

Ruth Nahmias
Oktober 9, 2022
Gefällt mir 25 Kommentare 10 Teilen

Let’s welcome the tenth month of the year, otherwise known as Libra season. October is that month of the year when a unique quality of spiritual Light is now available to us. It also seems to be one of the busiest and most interesting months of the year, both spiritually and astrologically. In Hebrew, this Light is called “or mekiff,” surrounding Light. Through both our spiritual actions and consciousness, we can draw this powerful Light of mercy revealed in the universe into our lives.

At this time, most of the planets are in air signs—the sun is in Libra, Venus is in Libra, Mars is in Gemini, and Mercury is first in Virgo, then in Libra. There is an abundance of air this month. Libra is a cardinal sign, after all. But instead of fighting with swords, Libra fights with words. And they win. This is a time to step forward and ask questions or stand up for ourselves. There’s nothing weak or fragile about the month of Libra.

The secret to success this month is in sharing and expressing kindness. The surrounding Light revealed in the universe is a unique gift to the month of Libra. Libras don’t fight for themselves. More often, they fight for an idea. They fight for justice. They fight for the truth. And that’s how they inspire others and get things done.

We also have a full moon in Aries on October 9th, in which Aries represents the self and Libra represents the other. Aries is about self-assertion, and Libra is about compromise and negotiation. Therefore, this full moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of others. Ideally, we embrace the invitation and find a balance between the two energies. Over the upcoming weeks, we will discover what this declaration means for us.

For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. First, we need to share and express kindness in everything we do. Secondly, this is a week to reveal great joy. Many of these new feelings and revelations are intense, as there is a sense of emotional bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. The consciousness and the awareness that accompanies our actions are equally important. We need to be conscious of the feelings that motivate our deeds, and most importantly, we should be conscious of the Light that we are bringing to ourselves and to others.

New revelations can occur now, particularly in our ability to initiate and begin new projects. The Light of this week does not come to us just so we can be “good” or “spiritual.” It’s given to us in order to create a very real environment of protection and mercy in our lives.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Libra 2022

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