Astrology Forecast for the Month of Taurus 2022


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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Taurus 2022

Kabbalah Centre
April 28, 2022
Gefällt mir 14 Kommentare 1 Teilen

Believing Is Seeing

When you want to sense the energy of Taurus, imagine a beautiful green garden where your favorite fruits and vegetables grow. There you will find trees and flowers with all colors of the rainbow. The air is refreshing, the sky feels like spring, and the rays of the sun touch your skin, giving you a sense of safety. You have no worries, and everything makes you happy.

The energy of Taurus is ruled by the planet of love, relationship, money, and comfort: the planet Venus. In the Book of Formation, Abraham calls the planet Venus the planet of Light. And Light it is!

It’s time to turn our attention towards Taurus’ great values because this year (until May of 2023), when the North Node is in Taurus, the universe asks us to develop that Taurus quality for humanity. Humanity is going through a spiritual process of removing the trauma of the past and learning how to live a stable life of values, honesty, and loyalty. It sounds great to have people around us who are honest and loyal. But are we honest and loyal? Are we living by our values? Do we simply ask when we want something, or do we create drama when we don’t get what we want?

We are all good people, but the traumas of the past make us suspicious and heighten feelings of lack. We begin to wait for the next hit, not believing that life can actually be good. We tell ourselves, “we have no choice” when we tell small lies or cheat a little. If I don't take care of myself, who will? Fear prompts us to start believing our own lies.

The South Node in Scorpio will bring the truth to the surface, and the North Node in Taurus will ask us to stay calm so we can heal and become the people we want to be.

At this time, we can gain clarity on our values and truth and make peace with it.

In the chart of the New Moon, Venus is exactly conjunct to planet Jupiter in the sign of Pisces. Venus and Jupiter are both great beneficiaries. Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces and also the ruler of Taurus. Jupiter is in his own sign. They are both very happy in these positions and would like to share greatness with us from the depths of their being, the gifts of abundance, beauty, love, and peace.

We are still not far from Jupiter conjunct Neptune, which also represents endless abundance. This energy is like someone is dropping millions of $100 bills from an airplane. But how many can we really catch? We may end up feeling like we are missing out, which leads to blaming others. Why didn’t the airplane get closer? Why didn’t those who received more share with others? And why am I not good enough to catch anything?

The energy of Pisces is a lot. There can be lots of abundance or lots of victim-minded thoughts. However, clarity, acceptance, certainty, and staying true to our values, people, and mission will help us access that abundance. Believe that it can happen, that you can do it, and that you deserve it! The imagination of a Pisces is vivid. Take a walk in your garden, meditate, and see it happen.

Taurus brings the energy of health, love, beauty, and prosperity. This is what we are requested to do as a united humanity. I’m not oblivious to what is happening in the world and all the chaos that the world is in. That chaotic energy can inject us with certainty that we can make a difference. If we believe, then we can.

All planets are moving direct, so things are happening fast. It is an eclipse season—a time of new beginning. The New Moon (and the sun) at ten degrees in Taurus are pretty close to Uranus at 14 degrees in Taurus, and that makes things go faster. Pay attention to expenses, and don’t ignore signs of change. If it is not comfortable, it doesn’t mean it is wrong. Just set simple goals and follow up. Don’t let the traumas of the past hold you down. Take care of your body and your health. Uranus brings radical change—make sure they are great changes.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Taurus

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