Astrology Forecast for January 24-30, 2021


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Astrology Forecast for January 24-30, 2021

Rachel Itic
Januar 24, 2021
Gefällt mir 26 Kommentare 7 Teilen

As the moon passes through different phases, it is responsible for defining the energy available to us each week. In this current cycle, we are still in the First Quarter the second phase that began on January 20th and will end on January 28th. During this period, the energetic environment can be described with the following keywords: drive, courage, willpower, and desire.

This is the best time to make decisions. Take advantage of this energy wisely since the week of the Full Moon begins on the 28th and lasts until February 4th. In the Full Moon phase, the sun and the moon face each other, creating what is known in Astrology as an opposition. That is, the sun throws all its light out into the solar system, and the moon reflects it. That is why we see the satellite in its greatest brilliance and splendor, and that is exactly what this week gives us: brilliance and splendor, which allows us to be seen and admired by others.

This is a social moon, which favors meetings and connecting with friends. It also favors everything related to advertising and communications. On January 28th, with the sun in Aquarius and the moon in Leo, we have the gift of a cosmic window called Tu B’Shevat, which is the birthday of the trees, according to kabbalists. A new cycle opens on this day as we can connect with the wonders of the plant kingdom, like the ability to grow despite the force of gravity, which actually represents our desire to receive for ourselves. The opposition of the two great luminaries suggests a balance, a search for a middle point between two extremes—the sun in Aquarius seeks revolution and equality, while the moon in Leo represents the monarchy reigning on the throne. It is totally up to us to find that middle ground and balance these days.

The portion of Beshalach connects us with the consciousness of absolute certainty and mind over matter—understanding that all answers and possible solutions to our problems are already within us; we just have to look for them. That is the lesson this story shows us when Moshe, with the sea in front of him and the Egyptian army behind him, shouts to the Creator for help. The Creator responds, “Why are you shouting at me?” implying that he already had everything within himself to get out of the situation.

In this week, with Saturn, Jupiter, and the sun in Aquarius, the planetary vibe teaches us to be independent, to rid ourselves of limitations, and to seek answers beyond our problems. We have the power to decipher what is in front of us, as Moshe did at that time, using inner knowledge.

Aquarius is a sign that is defined by the phrase "I know," which is absolute certainty. It is a generator of change through knowledge; it pushes through the limiting borders that the mind may have, leading us to "break" with matter. Unlike the rest, this air sign invites us to be a free spirit. It gives us a much broader and different perspective of the world. On the one hand, it has the influx of Saturn, which is its ruling planet and also rules Capricorn. The position of said star within its planetary system gives us very valuable information: its Capricorn side is directed towards Earth, which represents rigidity and limitation. And the other half, its Aquarian side, is directed towards the cosmos—unlimited vision. On the other hand, Aquarius is influenced by a second planet, Uranus, which represents the sky and vision from on high. It is innovative, unique, and different—an eye that sees what no one else sees, that never conforms, and always seeks more autonomy and independence. Uranus also rules aeronautics, astrology, astronomy, electricity, technology, and connects us with the frequency of miracles, all of which is available to us during the time that the sun is in this sign.

The moon will enter Leo on Thursday, January 28, and will form an alignment known as a t-square, which is an aspect of tension between the sun, Jupiter, Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars and Uranus in Taurus. The most important thing about this combination is that all the signs involved are fixed. That is, none of them yields, which is why a lot of rigidity and resistance will be felt in the cosmos, created by this lack of flexibility. The best thing these days is to be acquiescent, flow, and allow. Don't be stubborn or try to control things; let go, get out of your own way, and accept other ways of doing things.

On the 30th, Mercury, which is also in the sign of Aquarius, will go retrograde. Energetically, this means failures in communication and transportation, and during this time, telephones, computers, social networks, cars, routes, and anything related to the exchange of ideas and mobility can be affected. This can cause frustration, impatience, and a lack of tolerance. The best remedy for this period is to prevent, anticipate, and not allow ourselves to be disturbed. The gift of this energy lies in the opportunity to do things again, and this time will be victorious. Anything we try to do a second time will benefit, and we will succeed. Reread, restudy, restart a project, retake an exam, and so on.

How will emotions be throughout the week? During the first few days, air signs will experience a lot of energetic weight, which will benefit mental dexterity, communication, and sociability. In the middle of the week, sentimentality and emotions will gain weight. Home, family, and home-based activities are recommended at this time. By Thursday, we will feel the need to shine, to be seen, and to attract attention. Drama, play, and passion must be balanced with intelligence. For the weekend, actions related to organization, cleaning, and order are recommended. Be careful with being overly judicious and critical.

This week we have two great opportunities: the portion of Beshalach and Tu B’Shevat holiday. Although astrologically, we can feel tension, we can also take advantage of this resistance to motivate ourselves and make an effort. The reward of what we can obtain during these days is great. As our teacher, Rav Berg says, we can always be above the astral influence.

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