Astrology Forecast for April 3-9, 2016


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Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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Astrology Forecast for April 3-9, 2016

Yael Yardeni
April 3, 2016
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Hi everyone! On your mark, get set, go!

We are entering a brand new cosmic time zone! This week, the new lunar month of Aries begins. In kabbalistic astrology, the Pisces month of Adar concludes the astrological year. And Rosh Chodesh Aries starts the spiritual New Year. The month of Aries is called aviv in Aramaic, which means spring but also means “father of the 12!”

The Aries month energetically “fathers” the entire year. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the first 12 days of lunar Aries will determine how our life will look and all the battles we will wage in the coming 12 months.

Get ready to celebrate the New Moon on April 8th at sunset and the whole day of the 9th! (Special connections will occur at Kabbalah Centres all around the world.)

Here’s what’s on the menu for the first 12 days of the month (April 9th to 21st):

Fantastic behavior, rounding all the angles, and a good positive attitude no matter what! At this time, it’s not recommended to confront anyone. This is a time to build brand new belief systems, which should include more generosity and care. As it happens, the new moon’s chart is packed with fire planets, so a greater enthusiasm and energy will activate all of us.

As is customary, let’s talk about the sign of this month and give our lovely Aries friends the roast they deserve!

Aries is considered the baby of the zodiac. But of course, they are the newly born! The key to understanding the sign is to remember in their hearts they are still ten years old. This will remain true all their lives, hence their youthful curiosity!

Aries is indeed a brilliant sign, quick to understand and catch concepts. They are gifted with a great learning mind and plenty of humor, but their actions can be incredibly impulsive. This is a sign that has great difficulty controlling the heart; since their main drive is love, Aries will do anything for the sake of love. And an Aries will certainly never refuse a good compliment!

Aries risks becoming the most selfish sign of the zodiac, unless they stop being so involved with themselves. Aries is, in fact, the water (right column) of the fire signs, hence their complicated emotional system. Water and fire do not really mix well together! Therefore, their thought process can become really complicated.

The key word for Aries is: freedom. Oftentimes, huge authority issues will arise in their lives. As a result, they will prefer working on their own or for themselves.

The idea of freedom can also create big obstacles in love and relationships, and it’s highly recommended that they look for real angels of patience as life partners! Ruled by planet Mars, the zodiac warrior, they tend to get angry or become reactive easily, but will quickly calm down and regret their explosions.

Aries are brave and solid, and make great soldiers. They are usually courageous simply because they do not think of the consequences at all! These great troopers are always ready for a new project or venture, or even a good fight!

In day-to-day life they have the gold medal of forgetfulness and clumsiness, and make terrible liars! That’s because they can never remember what has been said before.

A significant amount of Aries-born are very creative and will make great actors and movie directors.

The organ ruled by the sign is the head – countless head injuries occur to them, and oftentimes their faces bare many scars. (Additionally, care should be taken to not overthink everything!) Since Mars is the ruler, the Aries tend to bleed a lot and cut themselves all of the time. In Aramaic, planet Mars is called ma’adim, from the word “dam”, blood!

Abraham Maslow, Charles Baudelaire, Charlie Chaplin, Francis Ford Coppola, Maya Angelou, and Leonardo Da Vinci are great representatives of the sign. Our homework this whole month is to inject positive energy into everything we do, while controlling the child within.

To be continued…

Happy New Astrological Year everyone!
