Descubra mais sabedoria e práticas para elevar a si mesmo, a sua vida e as pessoas ao seu redor. De artigos e vídeos semanais a aulas e eventos com transmissão ao vivo e presencialmente, há um plano de assinatura para todos.
Aprender sobre nossa alma por meio de um mapa astrológico ajuda a dar mais significado e maior compreensão às experiências que enfrentamos, às pessoas que conhecemos, ao trabalho que fazemos e às bifurcações da estrada.
Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.
A missão do Kabbalah Centre é criar uma mudança global positiva. Por meio da sabedoria da Kabbalah, encorajamos a humanidade para transformar e alcançar a verdadeira realização.
Seeking opportunities that are going to help us grow
An exercise to help us identify aspects of our own tikkune that is mirrored through our child:
Think about a small bad habit your child has that bothers you
Think about a medium sized habit your child has that worries you from time to time
Think about a big habit your child has that wakes you up at night
Within one of those three habits is one of your child's greatest strengths
Getting to know the "seed inside of the blank envelope" and cultivating its growth
Helping our children transform their behavior by transforming our own
Keeping our own habits or behaviors from inhibiting our children
Doing our best and detatching ourselves from the outcome
Zohar Chayei Sarah, Verse 41: Looks, money and children are only ours to manage
Gaining insight into our children through their astrological chart
Understanding the interconnectedness we share with others
A visualization: being in a place of reflectiveness, especially in difficult situations
Accessing our higher self
Using the power of pause
Talking to our child's soul
Receiving a message from the Light
Descrição da Aula
The kabbalists teach that lifetime after lifetime we seek to accomplish our tikkune, corrections in the journey of our soul. Join Elisheva as she enlightens us on how we can unveil our own tikkune, and as parents, our children's tikkunes, so that we may all achieve our next level of growth and reveal the unique Light of our soul.
Sobre este Curso
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the parent-child relationship actually begins before conception. The kabbalists say that unborn souls are drawn to their families through a process that allows the adult to learn the true responsibility of a parent. As every soul has something different to learn, there is no ‘one style fits all’ parenting manual. Join us for an inspiring class as we explore practical kabbalistic tools and techniques for improving the relationship between parent and child. Every moment is an opportunity for us to learn and help our children know how to make better choices. When we use these moments to grow, we provide our children with the best chance to experience success in their lives.
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