Empowering Our Kids to Be the Cause
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  • Participe de webinars interativos toda semana
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  • *Nas localidades participantes. Haverá restrições aplicadas.
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Vá ainda mais fundo na sabedoria da Kabbalah com orientação personalizada e leituras de mapas.

Consulta Gratuita

Nossa equipe dedicada está aqui para ajudá-lo a navegar em sua jornada espiritual.

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Leitura de Mapa Astral Kabalístico

Aprender sobre nossa alma por meio de um mapa astrológico ajuda a dar mais significado e maior compreensão às experiências que enfrentamos, às pessoas que conhecemos, ao trabalho que fazemos e às bifurcações da estrada.

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Orientação Pessoal - Serviços do Kabbalah Centre

Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.

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Parenting With Consciousness

Empowering Our Kids to Be the Cause

Publicado: Dezembro 16, 2024
Originalmente gravado: Setembro 17, 2024

Curtir 3 Comentários Compartilhar

Destaques da Aula

  • The Creation Story: the kabbalistic purpose for which our souls came into the world
  • Bread of Shame: the condition of receiving without the ability to share
  • Not being an enabler and turning the tides on Bread of Shame
  • Enforcing consequences---not reward and punishment
  • Showing recognition to our children when they do something difficult for them
  • Prioritizing our own awareness of cause and effect 
  • Praising the effort rather than the outcome
  • Not doing tasks for our kids that they can do for themselves
  • Helping our kids strategize and look for different choices
  • Being the kind of person that we want our kids to emulate
  • Allowing our kids to take risks so they may grow
  • Encouraging growth mindset over fixed mindset

Descrição da Aula

Kabbalists teach that at the time of Creation, we (the Vessel) desired to be like the Light---an infinite being of sharing, creating and initiating---so that we may become the cause of our lives rather than the effect.

In this very important lesson on parenting, Elisheva provides us with tools, wisdom and strategies for empowering our kids to be more like the Light, so that they can thrive and fulfill the purpose for which their soul came into the world.

Estudo Contínuo

Recommended: And You Shall Choose Life, by Rav Ashlag

Light Work:

  1. Practice being the cause. Make an effort not to fall to victimhood, helplessness, hopelessness
  2. Empower your child(ren) to be a cause. Notice what situations, people, and triggers put them into effect mode.


  1. Close your eyes and think about a situation that triggered you.
  2. Identify specifically what triggered you.
  3. How did you express that reactive feeling?

Sobre este Curso

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the parent-child relationship actually begins before conception. The kabbalists say that unborn souls are drawn to their families through a process that allows the adult to learn the true responsibility of a parent. As every soul has something different to learn, there is no ‘one style fits all’ parenting manual. Join us for an inspiring class as we explore practical kabbalistic tools and techniques for improving the relationship between parent and child. Every moment is an opportunity for us to learn and help our children know how to make better choices. When we use these moments to grow, we provide our children with the best chance to experience success in their lives.

Instrutores dos Cursos
