Every day we have the choice of being influenced by the prevailing atmosphere of uncertainty and the resulting chaos that appears in our lives or we can choose to restore our consciousness to one of certainty and positivity. To accomplish this transformation the kabbalists have created a system of daily prayer, meditation and connection that allows us to connect with this reality of certainty and positivity known as the Tree of Life Reality. The Morning Connection, known as Shacharit, arouses the spiritual force known as mercy which helps keep chaos and judgment from our lives. When we come together as a community to make these connections we create unity between our physical world and the upper worlds, creating circuitry that allows this energy or Light to flow to the entire world.
Nota: Todos os horários estão no seguinte fuso horário: America/Los_Angeles.
Date(s): Domingo, Fevereiro 09, 2025 – Sexta-feira, Fevereiro 14, 2025
Ao vivo de: Los Angeles
Aulas: 6
Idioma: Inglês