The First 12 Days of Aries: Day 10

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The First 12 Days of Aries: Day 10

Karen Berg
Abril 10, 2014
Curtir 2 Comentários Compartilhar

As you probably know, Aries is the first of the 12 months of the zodiac. As the first, it is the seed level of all that will unfold throughout the year.

Sixteenth century Kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria explained the specific technology of this month is that the first 12 days correspond to the 12 months of the upcoming year. For example, the first day corresponds to the months of Aries, the second, Taurus, the third, Gemini, and so on.

Our consciousness and behavior on these 12 days actually create the experiences we will have in the months ahead. These 12 days, then, are a time of testing, and they contain opportunities to transform ourselves and to carve out a new destiny. It is as if we have a 12-day cosmic window to “walk through the fire,” so to speak, in order to bring the world and ourselves to a higher spiritual vibration.

As Rav Berg once said, “During the month of Nissan (Aries), we must expect arguments and conflicts, which are simply opportunities to reveal Light. The negative side will do everything in its power to prevent us from using the tools at our disposal to control our destiny. But we will not be trapped. We shall elevate and confront the responsibility entrusted to us.... We have a duty (through our spiritual efforts) to turn on the Light, and whoever is not capable of loving his enemy should at least act with human dignity towards him.”

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12

Day 10 - Capricorn: April 10, 2014

Capricorn is considered the most materialistic of all the signs of the zodiac. Still, if Capricorns become spiritual, they can dissolve their materialism and transform it into spirituality and even psychic ability. This explains why Nostradamus and many other well-respected seers and psychics throughout the ages were born under this sign. This materialistic bent is also evident in how easy it is for Capricorns to become workaholics; in effect, their life is work.

The spiritual mission for Capricorns is transformation. In Hebrew, the Capricorn is described as kaved, which means “heavy.” On the other hand, the name of the month in Hebrew, Tevet, comes from the word tov, meaning “good.” So with the energy of Capricorn, we have the ability to fight and to overcome the negative “heavy” parts of our being and turn them into that which is positive and tov.

Internal: Change Your Consciousness

  • Look at the areas of your life where you are completely attached to the physical world and figure out how to put the consciousness of sharing into them. For example, if you love your sports car, see how you could use it more often to share.
  • Find a way during the day to rely on spiritual tools, not a physical solution, to help you with a challenge.

External: Actions You Can Take

  • Express a positive emotion to someone you care about.
  • Use the constructive energy of Capricorn to help someone create order where they might see only chaos.
  • Use the hardworking energy of Capricorn and donate your time to volunteer on a project.

Letters of Capricorn

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12
