Shavuot: Sparks of Eternity

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Shavuot: Sparks of Eternity

Monica Berg
Maio 29, 2023
Curtir 9 Comentários Compartilhar

Imagine for a moment that you were immortal. How different would life be?

Things like failure or the thoughts and opinions of others wouldn’t seem so daunting, would they? Instead, if you suddenly discovered that you were immortal, there’s a good chance you would feel a sudden infusion of possibility. Limits would disappear... because, after all, you're not going anywhere, right?

This is the energy of Shavuot. It's a day on which we are given the opportunity to experience a taste of limitlessness. To recommit ourselves to living our best life full of blessings and abundance. Shavuot connects us to what kabbalists call the "revelation on Mount Sinai." The name itself is a code word for the perfect union between the Light and the physical world.

Because that's what occurred 3,400 years ago in the desert: the connection between the heavens and the earth manifested in the receiving of divine wisdom. As a result, each year at this time, we enter a state of pure potential, where anything and everything is possible—even the idea of immortality.

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